Mago Bill
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Thursday, February 13, 2025
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Friday, January 24, 2025
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Monday, January 6, 2025
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Friday, January 3, 2025
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Monday, December 9, 2024
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Saturday, November 2, 2024
Friday, October 11, 2024
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Monday, September 16, 2024
Friday, September 13, 2024
Monday, September 9, 2024
Sunday, September 1, 2024
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Friday, August 16, 2024
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Friday, August 9, 2024
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Saturday, July 27, 2024
A Cundinamarca Tour: Hints for making your first tour in Colombia memorable.
Here there is no mention of the paragliding available in the area, nor of horseback riding, nor of the best places to dance. There are hints about making your visit to Colombia one of your better doings.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Friday, June 28, 2024
Thursday, June 27, 2024
Monday, May 27, 2024
Sunday, May 26, 2024
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Sunday, February 25, 2024
Foreign Interest I Colombian History
Las Lajas Sanctuary, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary at Impiales, Narino, Colombia.
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
A Lovely Great Hunk of Very Early History Related to Ireland
Saturday, February 17, 2024
Ancient Munster: Where Cork City and County are now.
Monday, February 5, 2024
Co. Kerry: First Words About What Became County Kerry
The focus here is mostly on the Dingle Peninsula of Kerry
Saturday, December 30, 2023
Genetic Information Informs the Population of Ireland
Genomic History of Ireland
Your Writing
Your Writing
We are born with talents. Writing is a developing skill
Skills are developed and maintained with practice.
As an aid to improving your writing skills you can keep a free-writing diary as a practice tool. You may also find that it is a great source of writing ideas.
Keep your free-writing in a private diary, journal, or notebook. No one but you need ever read a word you put there. In that private place you can write whatever you want in any way you want to.
"Free-writing" is writing without judgement or criticism. Do no editing, corrections, or rewrites. All there is to it is to do it.
Do not throw away what you have free written. You can use it to discover subjects you can enjoy writing more about.
In your notebook, journal, diary, write. Produce a finished piece of writing. Keep a topic in mind. Digressions are okay, but when you find yourself digressing in this practice bring yourself gently back to the topic.
Digression are to be honored and respected. After all they do come from your beautiful mind.
The idea in this practice is to keep writing. Do not stop writing. Do not stop for anything but the most serious and urgent reason.
You may say to yourself "Let's remember the topic," but do not let a little digression of yours bother you. Gently practice the discipline of keeping the topic in mind as you honor and value your digressions.
It does seem that we writers are very much about digressions. They may lead us to our best writing. Still we do not want them to keep us from finishing a piece of work.
As an aid toward helping myself to finish a piece of work I have told myself to write down everything I can think about the topic at the moment.
Later you can look for your digressions in you work above. Do another writing exercise based on your digressions. Let your digressions enrich your writing. Your digressions may give you topics that motivate the real you.
Peter Elbow's book WRITING WITHOUT TEACHERS has inspired me know that it is truly possible to write better with appropriate practice and Useful attitude.
Use the "comments" section below to contact me. Do so by clicking on "comments." If you see "no comments" click on it.
Thank you for reading.
Keep writing.
Thursday, December 28, 2023
We Have Timeline Blogsites
This is a sample post from a historical timeline blogsite and a work in progress to be found among our many timelines. You can begin a search of those web sites by clicking 0n the above.
1886 AD to 1930 AD: A history timeline not quite like others. It includes: US wars, Mexico, Haiti, American Indians, Soviet Union, Sioux, Michigan, earthquakes, unions, and more added monthly.
1868 AD: Texas Indian Wars, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Snake Indian War, Utah's Black Hawk War, Comanche Wars, Battle of Washita River, Franklin County War.
~ Ted Daniels and Helen Miller became Nettie Daniels parents.
1871 AD: Texas-Indian Wars, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Utah's Black Hawk War, Comanche Wars, Franklin County War, Kingsley Cave Massacre, U.S. forces invade Korea.
~ Helena Pauline's parents were Julius Miller and Mary Gozelski/Zgozelski/Goczwelski
1887 AD: US forces invade Mexico.
~ 1897 AD to 1975 AD: Life span of Chiang Kai-shek. He was an influential leader of the Kuomintang (KMT) and a close ally of Sun Yat-sen. Chaing led the KMT following the death of Sun in 1925. In 1928 Chaing led the Northern Expedition to unify the country becoming China's overall leader. During the war with Japan, Chaing's Nationalist Government was severely weakened allowing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to gain the upper hand in the long standing civil war.
1887 AD: US forces invade Mexico.
~ US shows force against Haiti.
~ US wars: US forces invade Mexico,
~ Skirmish between US 1st Cavalry and US Indians.
~ US Indians Ghost Dance "war."
~ US Wounded Knee battle.
~ US forces invade Mexico.
~ US wars: Sioux Indian war. Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians.
1886 AD: First Home Rule Bill in Ireland.
1887 AD: US forces invade Mexico.1887 AD: US forces invade Mexico. 1887 AD: US forces invade Mexico.
1888 AD: US forces invade Mexico.~ US: My sister, Gerry Hook, tells me that my paternal grandmother, Josephine Sophia Helwick/Helvik was born on May 29th of this year in Chicago, Cook county, Illinois. She died December the 8th of 1961 in Palm Springs, California. She was the daughter of Karl Magnus Andreassen Helvik and Karen Andersdtr/Andersen. ~ US forces invade Mexic0.~ US shows force against Haiti.
1889 AD to 1893 AD: Term of Benjamin Harrison as US Republican pres.1889 AD: U.S. forces invade Mexico.`~ US shows force against Haiti.1889 AD to 1893 AD: Term of Benjamin Harrison as US Republican pres.1889 AD: U.S. forces invade Mexico.`~
1890 AD to 1961 AD: The life span of my paternal grandmother. my sister, Gerry Hook, tells me that Josephine Sophia Helwick/Helvik was born on May 29th in Chicago, Cook county,IL. She died December 8th of 1961 in Palm Springs, Riverside, California. She was the daughter of Karl Magnus AderreassenHelvik and Karen Andersdtr/Andersen,
1891 AD: Sioux Indian War, Ghost Dance war, U.S. forces invade Mexico.
~ Luke Delmege Canon Patrick Augustine Sheehan's novel was published and later translated into all the major European languages.
~ Ireland, October: Parnell dies.
1892 AD: Johnson County War, US forces invade Mexico.
1893 AD: US: Nettie Daniels, my maternal grandmother, was born on the 18th of September of this year. and became one of the better influences on my early life. She was born in the US state of Michigan. I called her "Grama," and knew her name was Nettie Daniels, but her full name was Nettie Anastasia Danielewski/Daniels. She was the daughter and eldest child of Theodore/Theophile/Teofil/Ted Danielewski/Daniels and Helen Miller (Muller?). Nettie Daniels died in Los Angeles, California in 1963.
~ Severe earthquakes: Warren Well, near Yucca Valley, California, was out of commission for about a month after a series of severe earthquakes.
~ On November of this year the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers was established (re-established?)
1893 AD: Sir Henry Head, a British nerve specialist, noticed that suffers of diseased gallbladders and kidneys felt pain at parts of the body far from the stricken organs. The pain was on the surface of the skin, and a specific disease always resulted in pain at the same place! "Always" makes for a sure diagnosis. Specialists in Europe and the US were trained in Head Zone diagnostics. Reminds me of acupuncture.
~ U.S. forces invade Mexico and Hawaii.
1893 AD, November, US: The US International brotherhood of Boilermakers was reestablished this year.
1894 AD: China: Flooding followed by drought, lack of water.
~ to1897 AD: Democrat, Grover Cleveland was US pres.
~ Ireland: Second Home Rule Bill. Gaelic League founded.
~ to 1976 AD, China: Mao Tse-tung or Mao Zedong was a Chinese and communist leader. He led the People's Republic of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death in1976. His theoretical contribution to Marxist-Leninism, military strategies, and his brand of Communist policies are collectively known as Maoism.
1894 AD: US forces in invade Mexico.
~ China: Severe flooding followed by drought and lack of water.
1894 AD: US forces in invade Mexico.
1895 AD: US forces invade Mexico, Bannock Indian disturbances.
~ to 1976 is the lifespan of Lin Yutang: Chinese writer of a wide variety of works, many written in English and more translated to English. Inventor, linguist, novelist, philosopher, and translator. He has been said to straddle East and West.
1895, US wars: Bannock Indian disturbances, U.S. forces invade Mexico.
1896 AD:US forces invade Mexico.1897 AD to 1901 AD: Republican, William McKinley was assassinated in office as U.S. President
1897 AD: The US did not war this year. No major war by US.
1898 AD: Spanish-American War, Battle of Leech Lake,Chippewa Indian disturbances.
1899 AD to 1934 AD: The US engaged in Banana Wars, but did busy themselves with a few others such as the Philippine-American war.
1900 AD: English and French agree on Siamese independence. Thailand.
~ William James published Pragmatism.
~ Baden-Powell founded the Boy Scout movement.
~ The first daily newspaper comic is run on the San Francisco Chronicle as "Mr. Mutt." It later became "Mutt and Jeff."-
~ Philippine-American War. Banana Wars(United Fruit)
~ and 1910 and 1920 my sister, Gerry Hook, found, via the US Federal Census of these years that our paternal great grandparents are mentioned.
1901 AD to 1909AD: Republican, Theodor Roosevelt was US Pres.
~ USA wars: Philippine-American war, Banana wars continue.
~ to 1917 AD: The life span of Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulanov). He learned much from Marx, but seems to have rejected the "peoples democracy" of Marx.
~ Philippine-American War, Banana Wars.
1901 AD: Philippine-American War, Banana Wars,
~ to
1902 AD: Philippine-American War, Banana Wars,
~ US: Glove Workers Union Founded.
1903 AD, USA Philippine- American War, Banana Wars,
~ Ireland: Land Purchase Act(Wyndham Act)
1904 AD to 1912 AD: U.S., Philippine-American war, Banana Wars continue.
~ US: Salton Sea, in southern California, inundated with flood, doubling its depth. The Flooding was checked in 1907.
1907 AD: My paternal grandparents marry on January 16th. Joseph Carroll Sheehan took Josephine Sophia Helwick to wife. My father, Carroll Joseph Sheehan, Was the first of the four children of that union. Joseph Carroll was the son of M.(Mago)William Sheehan and Mary J. Carroll.
~ The English and French nations agreed on Siamese independence.
~ William James' ????
~ England: Baden Powell founded the Boy Scout Movement.
~ USA Wars: Philippines-America Wars, Banana Wars,
1908 AD: meteorite, Russia: The Tungush meteorite smashed into Siberia.
~ US, May: My father, Carroll Joseph Sheehan, was born.
~ US, Flint, Michigan: The General Motors company was organized by William Durant.
~ USA Wars: Philippine-American War, Banana Wars.
1909 USA: Maud Carrico Russell and Clara True were settlers in the northern part of the Morongo basin coming to be known as 29 Palms, California.
~ USA: Cattle ranchers Frank and Will Talmadge bought Warrens well in Morongo Basin of southern California.
~ to 1913 AD: Republican, William W. Taft was US Pres.
~ USA, California: Maud Carrico Russell and Clara True were early settlers in the part of the Morongo Basin coming to be known as 29 Palms.
~ USA, California: Cattle ranchers Frank and Will Talmadge bought Warren's Well in the Morongo Basin.
~ Land Purchase Act active in Ireland.
~ USA Wars: Philippine-American War, Banana War.
1910 AD: US continues war against Philippine people and Central American people. This record is getting tiresome.
1911 AD: US Wars mostly the same.
1912 AD, Ireland: Third Home Rule Bill.
~ China: The Qing Dynasty fell. After years of corruption a series of natural disasters and famines civil war started and led to the fall of the dynasty. Rebellion and unrest continued until Chinese Nationalist and Chinese Communist arose as the two major apposing forces.
~ US: Mago William Sheehan, my great grandfather died this year being about 73 years of age.
~ The same US force in foreign lands.
1913 AD: Philippine-American war, Banana Wars, New Mexico Navajo War.
~ to 1921 AD: Democrat, was US Pres.
~ USA Wars near and far: New Mexico Navajo War. Banana wars, Philippine-American War.
~ Geochronology: furthered by British geologist Arthur Holmes with his book The Age of the Earth, radiometric dating.
1914 AD to 1918 AD: The world was having WWI, Russia was our allie.
~ US Banana Wars. US invades Mexico.
~ Ireland: Implementation of Home Rule postponed because of the outbreak of World War One.
~ World: Outbreak of World War I.
~ Ireland: IRB decides on Rising.
1915 AD: The union organizer, Joe Hill, was hanged in Salt Lake City. Do you know the song? We still sing of Joe from time to time.
~ US Banana Wars.
~ US invades Mexico.
~ US Colorado - Paiute war.
~ On August 7th of this year my mother, Dorothy Cecilia Sheehan was born in the city of Wayne County, Michigan. She was the daughter of Richard Johnson* and Nettie Lucille Daniels/Danielewski.
1916 AD to 1934 AD: U.S. Banana wars mostly in Central America.
~ US continues the invasion of Mexico until 1919.
~ Ireland: May 3rd, 12 executions lead to Easter Rising in Dublin. After leaders are executed, public opinion backs independence.
1917 AD: USA: On June 26th of this year an I.W.W. strike was called at copper mines near Bisbee, Arizona. strikers were deported by sheriff Wheeler.
~ Houston, Texas: Large race riot is said to have been sparked by the Houston police against black soldiers, officers, and civilians. There was fighting between black military of Camp Logan and Houston police. Tell me the story,
~ US: In California at the Salton Sea. Seining of mullet became a profitable industry in the USA during WWI. Mullet Island at the south end of the Sea and nearby mud pots became popular tourist attractions.
~ US initiates Banana Wars, invades Mexico, and fights WW I.
~ USA: Bisbee, Arizona: On June 26th the I.W.W. was called at called at copper mines. Strikers were deported by sheriff Wheeler. IWW is the Industrial Workers of the World.
~ Ireland: De Valera won election in East Clare.
~ De Valera was an Irish leader from 1917 to 1973 and founded Fianna Fail, Warriors of Fail.
~ USA, Arizona, Bisbee ,June 26th: The I.W.W. strike was called at copper mines near Bisbee. Strikers were deported by sheriff Wheeler.
~ USA: Seining of mullet became a profitable industry in Salton Sea of California during WWI. Mullet Island at the south end of the Sea and the nearby mud-pots became popular tourist attractions.
1918 AD: US continues Banana Wars and invasion of Mexico as it fights WW I.
~ Russia withdrew from the war, WWI, with the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. The announcement of the Treaty angered the Allies and resulted in an invasion of north-western Russia to retrieve arms supplied to tsarist Russia and given to aid the Whites.
~ The Ukraine became the Cossack republic.
~ In November of this year the First World War ended.
~ World: The Spanish Flue pandemic lasted 3 years. Death data is inadequate in part of because the governments U.S., France, Germany, and England lied to their people. The Spanish government was more forthcoming. Deaths may have been between 17 and 100 million. Death rate for children was greater than expected. The Spanish flu is likely to have begun in the US. China was little affected.
1919 AD: US continues Banana Wars and invasion of Mexico.
~ Irish War of Independence against Britain.
~ Communist International (Comintern) formed in Moscow. It evolved from being an independent international organization to being a Soviet sponsored organization coordinating revolutionary overthrow of capitalism worldwide
~ China: Marxism was spreading in China by this time.
1920 AD: The end of the Little Ice Age.
~ US continues Banana Wars.
~ 1930 AD, 1948, 1964, 2020 The people of the US continue to change the way they think about the Mound Culture. By 1920 the Mounds had become a destination for the wealthy.
~ USA: In large part due to the Detroit auto industry, the mounds, from the mouth of the Mississippi to the Ohio river valley became a destination for the wealthy. The "mounds" are those earthen works of a number of similar similar cultures connected by commerce and stretching back to the time of megafauna.
~ Ireland: Burning of Cork by Auxiliaries.
~ Ireland: Civil War starts between The Free State army and the IRA.
~ USA: Virginia Marie Brennan was born in Michigan on September 15th.
~ China: The Comintern sent Grigori Voitinsky to China to firmly establish the Communist Party there.
~ USA: In large part due to Detroit and the auto industry, the ancient mounds from the mouth of the Mississippi, up that river to above the Ohio river and along the Ohio river, became important tourist attractions.
1921 AD: US continues Banana Wars.
~ December: Anglo Irish Treaty between Britain and Ireland led to the creation of the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland.
~ Russia: The New Economic Policy was proposed by Lenin to prevent the Russian economy from collapsing. The new policy required farmers to pay a specific amount of raw agricultural goods as a tax in kind. Under the NEP the state, controlled banks, foreign trade, and large industries, while allowing some private ventures, which permitted small business and shops to reopen.
~ China: The Communist Party began during the First Congress held at Shanghai where the name Chines Communist Party was adopted and all other Marxist and Marxist groups dropped/suppressed.
1922 AD: US continues Banana Wars.
~ to 1991 AD: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia. Initially as a union of four Soviet Socialist Republics, the USSR grew to contain 15 constituent or union republics.
~ the Ukraine Soviet Socialist Republic became one of the founding republics of the Soviet Union.
~ Irish Civil War started between Free State army and the IRA.
~ to 1943AD, Italy: Italian Fascism was led by Benito Mussolini.
1923 AD: US continues Banana Wars and engages in the Posey War.
~ the Republican, Warren G Harding was U.S. president.
~ End of civil War in Ireland.
~ to 1929 AD the Republican Calvin Coolidge was US pres.
1924 AD to 1934 AD: US continues Banana Wars each of these years.
~ Italy: The Fascists won 65% of the vote by using violence and intimidation, and murdering the opposition opponent, Giacomo.
1925 AD to 1926 AD: USA: Kit Carson traveled around California and Arizona.
~ US Banana wars.
1926 AD: De Valera founded Fianna Fail in Ireland.
~ US Banana Wars.
1927 AD: General Election in Ireland.
~ De Valera and Fianna Fail enter Dail in Ireland.
~ General elections in Ireland.
1929 AD, USA, On March 4th:Herbert Clark Hoover is inaugurated president of the
~ USA: June 15th: Hoover signs the Agricultural Marketing Act, establishing the Federal Farm Board to raise prices and revitalize the farm market.
~ US: July 19th: Common stock in Insull Utility Investments, a holding company, hits a new high of 94, a six-fold increase over its level of 15 just a few weeks before.
~ US, September 3rd: Dow Jones industrial average reaches a historic high of 381.
~US, October 24th: Black Thursday. Nearly 30 million shares change hands! But the Dow recovers most of the losses by the end of the day.
~ US, October 29th: Black Tuesday. Dow Jones Industrial Average drops to 230 from 261.
~ US, November 21st: Hoover rallies business. With Hoover's support, Henry Ford announces a wage hike at Ford to correct an under-supply of purchasing power.
~ US, November 23rd: Hoover exhorts governors of all 48 states to expand public works and keep employment high.
~ Russia, January 5th: Stalin announces that all farms must be collectivized by 1932.
~ US, January 17th: President Hoover signs the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, raising US tariffs to a historic high and triggering an international tariff war.
~ US Banana Wars.
~ to 1933 AD: Herbert C. Hoover was the Republican president of the US.
~ to 1991 AD, Russia: "Five Year" economic plans in Russia, 13 of them, some worked well, some did not. None were easy. They moved Russia forward.
1929 AD, Japan: Beginning with the Showa era and the collapse of the world economy lead to a resurgence of jingoistic patriotism and a weakening of democratic principles. The beliefs that the military could solve the threats to Japan both domestic and foreign emerged at a time when other nations turned toward fascism and totalitarianism.
~ US, November 23rd: President Hoover exhorts governors of all 48 states to expand public works to keep employment high.
~ US, March 4th: Herbert Clark Hoover was inaugurated as president of the United States. He announces that "government should assist and encourage these movements of collective self-help."
US, June 15th: Hoover signs the Agriculture Marketing Act, establishing the Federal Farm Board to raise prices and revitalize the farm market.
~ US, July 19th: Common stock in Insull Utility Investments, a holding company, hits new high of 94, a six fold increase over its level of 15 just a few weeks before.
~ US: September 3rd: Dow Jones industrial average reaches a historic high of 381.
US, October 29th: Black Thursday. Dow Jones industrial average drops to 261.
US, November 21st: Hoover rallies business. With Hoover's support, Henry Ford announces a wage hike to correct "an under-supply of purchasing power.
1930 AD: USA: People in general began to see National Parks in the US as important and worth protecting.
~ January 9th Stalin announces that all farms in the Soviet Union must be collective by 1932.
~ January 17th President Hoover of the US signs the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act raising US tariffs to a historic high and triggering an international tariff war.
1930 AD: Japan: Toward war. A turning point came with the ratification of the London Naval Treaty on this year.