Saturday, July 27, 2024

A Cundinamarca Tour: Hints for making your first tour in Colombia memorable.

Here there is no mention of the paragliding available in the area, nor of horseback riding, nor of the best places to dance. There are hints about making your visit to Colombia one of your better doings.

            Here are some hints for sparking interesting tour ideas. You may also find suggests for helping you to smooth your adventures. Remember that Colombians speak Spanish. You can find opportunities to test the quality of your Castellano. Your tour could turn out to me a number of smaller tours. I might be a good move to make some of them guided. A knowledgeable guide is a valuable asset. She could either make or break much of  the pleasure of the excursion. There are many tours and guides available in Bogota and some elsewhere. Enjoy some planning and enjoy your exploration a lot.

            Cundinamarca is the "departamento" (state) of Colombia in which the Colombian capital city of Bogota is located. It has been said that the name Cundinamarca comes from Chibcha word "kutur marga," which means "nest of the condor." Chibcha is the language of the Muisca, a principle pre-columbian people of what is now the Republic of Colombia.

            Cundinamarca has a great deal of interesting cultural attractions to offer beyond its marvelous landscape and natural attractions. Cultural attractions include, food, architecture, music, and dance available to you. As your Spanish grows much more culture is available.To begin with, just the geographical attractions could become near overwhelming. Still you may find it easy to forget that you are exploring a bit of the Andes, the longest range of mountains with many of the worlds highests peaks. 

            You might choose to begin getting acquainted with Cundinamarca by joining a tour group or two at least one an overnighter.Then again you might find and interesting guide in Bogota and by surprise him by saying you would like to get to know the towns of Fomeque, Guasca (Guasca may be the name of a bearlike animal. You could ask someone who knows more Chibcha than I do), Junin, Gacheta, Gama, Gachala, Uhala, and Medina. Most of these town names are hispanizations of Muisca names. Your guide may carry some Muisca DNA. He may be able to speak more English than Chibcha and his language will be Colombian Spanish. 

            Colombia is rich in water resources and Cundinamarca is certainly one of the richest states in that resource. Colombians have begun to develop and protect this resource, But you may come to feel that beauty of the streams, rivers, is the greater richness. On the Cundinamarca rout of my example this beauty abounds. Much of it comes from the sky in the form of rain, but you may find the water at hot water spas were the water comes from the earth has a great beauty of its own. I have heard that 1/4 of the hydroelectric energy of the country is produced in this department.    

            A major attraction in the area for some is a nature park called the Natural Chingaza. The origin of the name is a mystery to me. Speaking of mystery, This 150,000 acre park with peaks of over 10,000 feet above sea level is likely to hold secretes that only perhaps a few Muisca and Guayupes know of. Several of the towns I have mentioned here are within this park. There are pure water streams and lakes in the area. With legs better than mine there are many natural beauties to be seen within short walking distance of a good road. There is a great deal of beautiful and dramatic scenery to be seen without leaving the car.

            One might easily spend a month exploring the area. Do try to give yourself a week or ten days to enjoy a real chance to take in the curiosities, beauties, and more of the people, places, and doings in what may be called the heart of Colombia. You may delight in treks or hikes, but you do not have to.Very much can be enjoyed frequent road-side stops. Great hours or days can be enjoyed bathing at hot water and checking out the interesting eating opportunities. There is a taste treat or two you may never find elsewhere. To get up your appetite some good bird watching is often available. Perhaps available right from your hotel, cabin, chalet, or hostile. A guide may  help you to find lodging very well suited to you.

            Or you may be one to check out some of the local alcoholic beverages unknown to you. But you could enjoy the comfort of class of a beverage you know well. You may find simple breathing here a great joy. It is possible to discover some of the purest air you have ever experienced. You may find it best not to run as much as you are accustomed to. A these altitudes the air is often very pure, but may feel somewhat thin to a newcomer. 

            There are quick an easy ways to change altitudes. A trip doward can quickly get you into warmer more abundant air. You can easily change altitudes to find a warmer climate or air more congenial to you. When you feel a bit too warm, you can easily go up again to the refreshing cool air there.

            In much of this area the land does seem more vertical than horizontal. But than again one can feel that one is in some beautiful lowland with lovely green meadows marvelous groves of trees. The fact is that the very lowest spot you may visit will be about 3000 feet above sea level. You may also find that the top of the little hill near you has an altitude of over 9000 feet. You could get up a good bit higher if you wish. Not good running country for a low-lander. Not at first.

            No need to tell anyone, but you may find yourself close to El Dorado, he Gilded One, or at least to the lake where he was washed of the gold dust covering his body. Remember that at a good hostel there may be some one ready to relate very interesting and useful information. This may be so even if there are youth their to exuberant for your taste and you do not intend to stay you may still find people there persons there pleased to give you very good valuable information with a smile. Before I forget, don't you forget to bring a light jacket and sweater or the like. Even though you are not so very far from the equator, the nights are chilly and some days can be pretty cool. There is some good shopping in Bogota and the prices makes it tempting. You could buy a sweater or jacket there.

            You can vis the area we have been considering from a variety of directions. This is best done one at a time. Many have found that a good start may be don from Bogota to the cement town of La Calera. Calera has many restaurants, and a few are quite good and probably much cheaper than the ones you may have eaten in the Capital. Still for one new to the country it may be best to drink bottled water or a gin fizz and stick to cooked food. You might have to leave some of your first beautiful salads.

            If you find that you have time to spend in La Calera and feel like decent walk, you find it easy and worthwhile to visit La Pena Tunjuaque while you are here. Take your time and take it easy, You may begin to feel like your are getting up close and personal with the country in a comfy way. If not it is a nice walk and could lead to a good night's sleep.

            Thank you for reading.


Sunday, February 25, 2024

Foreign Interest I Colombian History

Las Lajas Sanctuary, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary at Impiales, Narino, Colombia.

                It is a Roman Catholic pilgrimage site at a place of "miraculous" happenings of the 1500s. construction at the site continued to 1954. It is an amazing construction at a dramatic site.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024

A Lovely Great Hunk of Very Early History Related to Ireland

What is this figure from Irish Mythology doing in the Greek sources?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

The figure written of  is Fenius and/or Phineus, a person active in our world shortly after The Flood. I had come to believe that who may have rightly called Greek had come to Ireland at least twice in very early times. One of these early Greek comers I felt fairly comfortable with, the others I had read only rumors of. They were the Milesians who were the most recent of the comers just before more firmly historic times. The Milesians were Greek. They had developed a well developed trading empire on island just of  what seems to have been the Anatolian coast. During some uncomfortable times on Milesian the made a couple of visits in fairly quick successions to Ireland of which they had some knowledge. On their second coming many  of them came to stay. To the people who were already there, their language was Greek. So Greeks knew Ireland as late as early historic times. So Greeks knew Ireland and Irish knew Greek from not so very long after The Flood, until very close to modern times. 

It may have been these Greeks who stirred the Irish to a desire for a written language. They may have heard of the Phoenicians from them. Well this video my stir you to learn more of the earliest history of our world and Ireland prove a somewhat surprising place to make an excellent starting point. It could you to Iberia, Thrace, Scythia, Anatolia, Greece, Phoenicia, and on to deeper understandings.

                                                                                                            Richard S.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

 Ancient Munster: Where Cork City and County are now.

            Cork was once part of the Kingdom of Deas Mumhan, which has been called South Munster, and has been called Desmond by the English. It has been ruled by the MacCarthy Mor dynasty. Who can tell us about the Mum people.

            It seems fair to call the coming of the Normans an invasion. They certainly caused changes in Munster which were not pleasant to everyone. The MacCarthy clan and much culture were pushed westward into what is West Cork and County Kerry. The clan became centered on Dunloug Castle near Mizen Head. Some have said that their castle there dates to 1207 AD. There is more to be said about tht site and the O'Mahony. We may get to them later. For us right now the coming of the Normans is a fairly recent happening.

            But we can move on to even more recent times for another paragraph. The Hiberno-Norman family became the earls of Desmond, which sounds very English. Cork, city was given an English Royal charter in 1318 and became an outpost of England. But even a diminished Irish culture is still catchy and resistant. By about 1583 the city and the county was a mess. We might say destroyed and devastated Some said that they had been resettled by some of the worst England had to offer. But even many of their offspring became a useful part of a new Ireland.

            Ireland has suffered plenty of troubles. The troubles of Normans and English entering the land I think began in about 900 AD when defending against the  viking raids from the north so weakened the land that Norman and English saw it as a tasty morsel to be taken. The viking norsemen had taken most of the gold and the more transportable, but what Norman and English saw was the rich green land itself.

            I was wanting to get into truly ancient times, but getting through the early troubles is proving difficult. Desmond was Deas Mumhan, but we now continue to speak of English influence. So, a historic kingdom in south western Ireland has been called Desmond. It was founded in 1188 by Tadhg MacCarthaigh. He became king of Munster. That Desmond included all of what is now County Cork and most of Kerry. The division of Kerry from Cork took place with the Treaty of Glanmire when the land was divided between Desmond and Thomond. The sullivan and Donovan were important there, but that is another story,`

            I have been trying to get too much early Irish history into to few paragraphs and now I am moving into some prehistory of the island.

            Earlier there were the Earinn who held al of Munster, the better half of all of Eri. I am thinking that the Iverni of that fertile land were Earinn. Many of Munster once thought of themselves as people of the deer. who drank deer milk before the coming of cows. They were probably a people called Earinn or Eirenn or the like.

            I think the MacCarthy called themselves people of the deer, but the MacCarthy may have come with the cows.

            Well, there seems to be much more Irish prehistory than I can handle in one essay. For now I'll just leave you with some bits and piece of that history and hope it gives you a taste for more. More than one sort of Greek knew Mizen Head and so did a Phoenician or two. The Fomorians knew it and probably Balor and Lugh did too.

        There were deer in the south of Ireland over 30,000 years ago. There was plenty of time for people to learn to eat them with time left over to learn to milk them.

            Early Irish were also boatmen who navigated the sea. The were probably fishers of the sea, but I have seen no evidence of that.

            Munster had an increasing population by 8,000 BC. By 5,000 BC Aegean cow milk was probably replacing deer milk. Anyway some kind of cow milk was available on the island by then.

            The copper of Old Munster was supporting the making of bronze by 2,000 BC.

            Correct my errors and help with this work. I have heard that there are those who believe that I know so much about this far south of Ireland that I must have lived there from before 20,000 years ago to about 4,000 BC. Its not true and I could really use your help to find out more about Irish prehistory.

            Thank you for reading.

                                                                                            R. C. Sheehan

Monday, February 5, 2024

Co. Kerry: First Words About What Became County Kerry

The focus here is mostly on the Dingle Peninsula of Kerry 

            Focus may be too strong a word, but I will stick with it. Not so very long ago I walked down that peninsula on a warmish winter day and back up the peninsula in the same day, so it was pretty long ago. It rained a bit, on and of, but I dried as I walked. The sun kept coming out and tried to stay for a while the air was clear and bright and often and had a lovely feel to it. I walked along the main road but there was little traffic. The idea here is that I have experienced the land a bit. So I got rained on some walking the length of the peninsula and was dry again before I got to the tip. I believe that it was an early December, it was a fine day often with a great sort of light, rare and lovely.

            The Peninsula rightly has some famous history and as I learned later rightly has some fame for its rainfall. For me it ought to be famous for the light of its air.

            By the look of things, people of Kerry liked to participate in the happenings of Ireland. By the 1920s Kerry men were being shot by Black and Tans. A crying shame. But then again they got in some proud licks. I recent centuries the Irish have been know to have been troubled more than than average. But then again they seem to have been troubled less than average for most of the time from the Mesolithic to through the Bronze Age. Things were a bit iffy during the Iron Age, but by the end of that age they were more Irish than ever. And now it is said, with some breath holding, they are doing pretty good, some would say darn good.

              About the time I walked the Peninsula people in the south were doing well, but there was still a pretty brisk business in short lengths of metal pipe. When would that have been?               

             Kerry, somehow managed to a part in much Irish rebellion. Ross Castle, near, Killarney, held long. I don't remember the story. When would that have been? I have a lot to learn and these days I seem to be forgetting more than I am learning.

              Kerry got hit hard by the Irish Famine  of 1845 to 49. Irish like many great people, got everywhere. Seems like I have heard someone say "From Killarney to Kansas." The Irish part of my family was already settled in American heartland by this time, but not in Kansas. There was another nasty famine in Ireland not very long before this one, but not so well remembered. What famine is well. All English are not always sweethearts.

                By say about 1610, most of Kerry nobility had lost their land to the English. By 1776 a great percent of the nobility had left the Island, I believe.
They were bettering the race in other lands. Good for the Irish. And no matter, they plenty of the good and better blood in the Island still alive. 

                By 1588 ships of the Spanish Armada were wrecked on islands near the tip of the Dingle Peninsula. I have heard it said that the Black Irish came to Ireland that way. I say that they may have arrived closer to 1588 BC than to 1588 
AD. Still I admit that I tend to exaggerate at times to help another to get the point. I even say that they from father off than Spain.

                I had meant to say earlier that the Hiberno-Norman Kerry Fitzgerald dynasty were called Geraldines. I meant to tell mi sister, Geraldine, that, but lost my chance.

            Stone oratories in in the county seem to date back to 500 AD. I guess that by then Ireland was Christian enough to send missionaries to England, France, and Rome by then. I saw the oritorise in photos in a book rather than on my walk. I remember that I wondered about the quality of their acoustics.

                I am not sure why, but I would like to learn more of a people called Ciar. They lived on the Peninsula and elsewhere in Kerry. I suspect that they were there when Bronze was popular. I do not remember where I got the information, but it seemed certain that they were a pre-Celtic people. They were "Black Irish." They were around long enough to have had two Irish apostoles among them. I had the fantasy that they had been around long enough to know Sheehan when we had another name or names.

            I also read somewhere that a son of Fergus mac Roich was a Ciar. I would like to find out if Fergus himself was a Ciar. Maybe tomorrow I'll check to see could have anything about that.

                Well, Ireland, Kerry, Munster and all are doing pretty well this days and these days it is not easy for everyone to do well.

                I am pleased to have anyone correct my errors, pass on more info, ask a question, or anything that won't hurt my feelings much. 

                Thank you for reading.

                                                                        Richard Carroll Sheehan

                                                                        One would never know that I am Polish, German, Prussian, Norwegian, and who knows what.

            This was to have been a draft, but I better start posting while I am able.


Saturday, December 30, 2023

Genetic Information Informs the Population of Ireland

Genomic History of Ireland

        Genetic information supports significant migration to Ireland from the Middle East and from farther east and north east. Migration from the Middle East probably relates to the Bronze Age and migration from the far north east probably relates to the Iron Age. So we can probably agree that ideas were brought by migration and that Irish population is in significant numbers are from what we could call Syria and perhaps  a bit east of Ukrainian. Perhaps before these definitive migration, there was significant inbreeding among cultural elites on the Island.
            We are learning a lot and have a lot to learn.

                                                                                Richard C. Sheehan

Your Writing

 Your Writing

            Among the sites available here there is one called Write With RCS, which can be found at
            You may find information at that site which may be of important use to you.

 We are born with talents. Writing is a developing skill

Skills are developed and maintained with practice. 

            As an aid to improving your writing skills you can keep a free-writing diary as a practice tool. You may also find that it is a great source of writing ideas.

            Keep your free-writing in a private diary, journal, or notebook. No one but you need ever read a word you put there. In that private place you can write whatever you want in any way you want to.  

            "Free-writing" is writing without judgement or criticism. Do no editing, corrections, or rewrites. All there is to it is to do it.

            Do not throw away what you have free written. You can use it to discover subjects you can enjoy writing more about.

            In your notebook, journal, diary, write. Produce a finished piece of writing. Keep a topic in mind. Digressions are okay, but when you find yourself digressing in this practice bring yourself gently back to the topic.

            Digression are to be honored and respected. After all they do come from your beautiful mind. 

            The idea in this practice is to keep writing. Do not stop writing. Do not stop for anything but the most serious and urgent reason. 

            You may say to yourself "Let's remember the topic," but do not let a little digression of yours bother you.  Gently practice the discipline of keeping the topic in mind as you honor and value your digressions. 

            It does seem that we writers are very much about digressions. They may lead us to our best writing. Still we do not want them to keep us from finishing a piece of work. 

            As an aid toward helping myself to finish a piece of work I have told myself to write down everything I can think about the topic at the moment.                     

            Later you can look for your digressions in you work above.  Do another writing exercise based on your digressions. Let your digressions enrich your writing. Your  digressions may give you topics that motivate the real you.

             Peter Elbow's book WRITING WITHOUT TEACHERS has inspired me know that it is truly possible to write better with appropriate practice and Useful attitude. 

            Use the "comments" section below to contact me. Do so by clicking on "comments." If you see "no comments" click on it.

            Thank you for reading.

            Keep writing.




Thursday, December 28, 2023

We Have Timeline Blogsites

                This is a sample post from a historical timeline blogsite and a work in progress to be found among our many timelines. You can begin a search of those web sites by clicking 0n the above.

1886 AD to 1930 AD: A history timeline not quite like others. It includes: US wars, Mexico, Haiti, American Indians, Soviet Union, Sioux, Michigan, earthquakes, unions, and more added monthly.

1868 AD: Texas Indian Wars, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Snake Indian War, Utah's Black Hawk War, Comanche Wars, Battle of Washita River, Franklin County War.

1869 AD: Texas-Indian Wars, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Utah's Black Hawk Wars, Comanche Wars, Franklin County War.`
~ Ted Daniels and Helen Miller became Nettie Daniels parents.

1870 AD: Texas-Indian Wars, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Utah's Black Hawk Wars, Comanche Wars, Franklin county War,
1871 AD: Texas-Indian Wars, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Utah's Black Hawk War, Comanche Wars, Franklin County War, Kingsley Cave Massacre, U.S. forces invade Korea.

1874 AD, the 12thof May: Helena Pauline Miller(Helen Miller) was born among Balts in  towns called Litzberg, Lutenberg, and Jablon perhaps in a Germany that had recently been Prussia. Helen died on the 21st of  November in 1930. She was the daughter of Julius Miller(may once have been Muller)and Mary Gozelski/Goczwelski/Zgozelski.
~ Helena Pauline's parents were Julius Miller and  Mary Gozelski/Zgozelski/Goczwelski

1893 AD, USA: My maternal grandmother was born in Michigan on the 18th day of September of this year. She was named Nettie Anastacia Daniels. Daniels seems to be the simplification of Danielewski. She died on the 23rd day of  May of 1963 in los Angeles, California. she was the daughter of Theodore Theophile (Teofil) Daniels/Danielewski and Helen Miller. I knew Nettie Daniels as Grama.
1887 AD: US forces invade Mexico.
~ 1897 AD to 1975 AD: Life span of Chiang Kai-shek. He was an influential leader of the Kuomintang (KMT) and a close ally of Sun Yat-sen. Chaing led the KMT following the death of Sun in 1925. In 1928 Chaing led the Northern Expedition to unify the country becoming China's overall leader. During the war with Japan, Chaing's Nationalist Government was severely weakened allowing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to gain the upper hand in the long standing civil war.
1887 AD: US forces invade Mexico. 

1888 AD: US forces invade Mexico. US show of force against Haiti.
~ US shows force against Haiti. 
 1888 AD: US forces invade Mexico.

1889 AD: Term of Benjamin Harrison as US Republican president.   
US wars:  US forces invade Mexico, 
~ to 1890 AD: Deposed James II flees to Ireland. He was defeated at the Battle of the Boyne                                                                                                    

1890 AD: US v Sioux Indian war. 
~ Skirmish between US 1st Cavalry and US Indians.
~ US Indians Ghost Dance "war."  
~ US Wounded Knee battle.
~ US forces invade Mexico.
US wars: Sioux Indian war. Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians.
 US v Sioux Indian war 

1886 AD: First Home Rule Bill in Ireland.

1887 AD: US forces invade Mexico.
1887 AD: US forces invade Mexico. 
1887 AD: US forces invade Mexico. 

 1888 AD: US forces invade Mexico.
US: My sister, Gerry Hook, tells me that my paternal grandmother, Josephine Sophia Helwick/Helvik was born on May 29th of this year in Chicago, Cook county, Illinois. She died December the 8th of 1961 in Palm Springs, California. She was the daughter of Karl Magnus Andreassen Helvik and Karen Andersdtr/Andersen. 
~ US forces invade Mexic0.
~ US shows force against Haiti.

1889 AD to 1893 AD: Term of Benjamin Harrison as US Republican pres.
1889 AD: U.S. forces invade Mexico.`
~ US shows force against Haiti.
1889 AD to 1893 AD: Term of Benjamin Harrison as US Republican pres.
1889 AD: U.S. forces invade Mexico.`

1890 AD to 1961 AD: The life span of my paternal grandmother. my sister, Gerry Hook, tells me that Josephine Sophia Helwick/Helvik was born on May 29th in Chicago, Cook county,IL. She died December 8th of 1961 in Palm Springs, Riverside, California. She was the daughter of Karl Magnus AderreassenHelvik and Karen Andersdtr/Andersen,

1891 AD: Sioux Indian War, Ghost Dance war, U.S. forces invade Mexico.  

Luke Delmege Canon Patrick Augustine Sheehan's novel was published and later translated into all the major European languages. 

~ Ireland, October: Parnell dies.

1892 AD: Johnson County War, US forces invade Mexico.


1893 AD: US: Nettie Daniels, my maternal grandmother, was born on the 18th of September of this year. and became one of the better influences on my early life. She was born in the US state of Michigan. I called her "Grama," and knew her name was Nettie Daniels, but her full name was Nettie Anastasia Danielewski/Daniels. She was the daughter and eldest child of Theodore/Theophile/Teofil/Ted Danielewski/Daniels and Helen Miller (Muller?). Nettie Daniels died in Los Angeles, California in 1963.

~ Severe earthquakes: Warren Well, near Yucca Valley, California, was out of commission for about a month after a series of severe earthquakes.                                                    

~ On November of this year the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers was established (re-established?) 

1893 AD: Sir Henry Head, a British nerve specialist, noticed that suffers of diseased gallbladders and kidneys felt pain at parts of the body far from the stricken organs. The pain was on the surface of the skin, and a specific disease always resulted in pain at the same place! "Always" makes for a sure diagnosis. Specialists in Europe and the US were trained in Head Zone diagnostics. Reminds me of acupuncture.

~ U.S. forces invade Mexico and Hawaii.

1893 AD, November, US: The US International brotherhood of Boilermakers was reestablished this year.

1894 AD: China: Flooding  followed by drought, lack of water.

~ to1897 AD: Democrat, Grover Cleveland was US pres.

~ Ireland: Second Home Rule Bill. Gaelic League founded. 

~ to 1976 AD, China: Mao Tse-tung or Mao Zedong was a Chinese and communist leader. He led the People's Republic of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death in1976. His theoretical contribution to Marxist-Leninism, military strategies, and his brand of Communist policies are collectively known as Maoism.

1894 AD: US forces in invade Mexico.

~ China: Severe flooding followed by drought and lack of water.

1894 AD: US forces in invade Mexico.

1895 AD: US forces invade Mexico, Bannock Indian disturbances.

~ to 1976 is the lifespan of Lin Yutang: Chinese writer of a wide variety of works, many written in English and more translated to English. Inventor, linguist, novelist, philosopher, and translator. He has been said to straddle East and West.

1895, US wars: Bannock Indian disturbances, U.S. forces invade Mexico.

1896 AD:US forces invade Mexico.
~ Radioactivity: Discovered and, among other things, lead to the development of geological applications through radiometric dating during the first half of the 20th century. 

1897 AD to 1901 AD: Republican, William McKinley was assassinated in office as U.S. President

1897 AD: The US did not war this year. No major war by US.


1898 AD: Spanish-American War, Battle of Leech Lake,Chippewa Indian disturbances.

1899 AD to 1934 AD: The US engaged in Banana Wars, but did busy themselves with a few others such as the Philippine-American war.

1900 AD: English and French agree on Siamese independence. Thailand.

~ William James published Pragmatism.

Baden-Powell founded the Boy Scout movement.

The first daily newspaper comic is run on the San Francisco Chronicle as "Mr. Mutt." It later became "Mutt and Jeff."-

~ Philippine-American War. Banana Wars(United Fruit)

~ and 1910 and 1920 my sister, Gerry Hook, found, via the US Federal Census of these years that our paternal great grandparents are mentioned.


1901 AD to 1909AD: Republican, Theodor Roosevelt was US Pres.

~ USA wars: Philippine-American war, Banana wars continue.

~ to 1917 AD: The life span of Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulanov). He learned much from Marx, but seems to have rejected the "peoples democracy" of Marx.

~ Philippine-American War, Banana Wars.

1901 AD: Philippine-American War, Banana Wars,

~ to


1902 AD: Philippine-American War, Banana Wars,

~ US: Glove Workers Union Founded.


1903 AD, USA Philippine- American War, Banana Wars, 

~ Ireland: Land Purchase Act(Wyndham Act)

1904 AD to 1912 AD: U.S., Philippine-American war, Banana Wars continue.

~ US: Salton Sea, in southern California, inundated with flood, doubling its depth. The Flooding was checked in 1907. 

~ US February 24th: Office and Professional Employees International Union founded.

1905 AD, USA Wars: mostly in Central America, Banana Wars, Philippine-American Wars

1906 AD, US: The Salton Sea of California is recorded at 195 feet below sea level.
~ Ireland: Liberals win in General Election.
~ USA Wars: Philippine-American Wars, Banana Wars.


1907 AD: My paternal grandparents marry on January 16th. Joseph Carroll Sheehan took Josephine Sophia Helwick to wife. My father, Carroll Joseph Sheehan, Was the first of the four children of that union. Joseph Carroll was the son of M.(Mago)William Sheehan and Mary J. Carroll.

 ~ The English and French nations agreed on  Siamese independence.

~ William James' ????

~ England: Baden Powell founded the Boy Scout Movement. 

~ USA Wars: Philippines-America Wars, Banana Wars,


1908 AD: meteorite, Russia: The Tungush meteorite smashed into Siberia.

US, May: My father, Carroll Joseph Sheehan, was born. 

~ US, Flint, Michigan: The General Motors company was organized by William Durant.

~ USA Wars: Philippine-American War, Banana Wars.

1909 USA: Maud Carrico Russell and Clara True were settlers in the northern part of the Morongo basin coming to be known as 29 Palms, California.

~ USA: Cattle ranchers Frank and Will Talmadge bought Warrens well in Morongo Basin of southern California.

~ to 1913 AD: Republican, William W. Taft was US Pres. 

~ USA, California: Maud Carrico Russell and Clara True were early settlers in the part of the Morongo Basin coming to be known as 29 Palms.

~ USA, California: Cattle ranchers Frank and Will Talmadge bought Warren's Well in the Morongo Basin. 

~ Land Purchase Act active in Ireland.

~ USA Wars: Philippine-American War, Banana War.

1910 AD: US continues war against Philippine people and Central American people. This record is getting tiresome.

1911 AD: US Wars mostly the same.

1912 AD, Ireland: Third Home Rule Bill.

~ China: The Qing Dynasty fell. After years of corruption a series of natural disasters and famines civil war started and led to the fall of the dynasty. Rebellion and unrest continued until Chinese Nationalist and Chinese Communist arose as the two major apposing forces.

~ US: Mago William Sheehan, my great grandfather died this year being about 73 years of age.

~ The same US force in foreign lands.


1913 AD: Philippine-American war, Banana Wars, New Mexico Navajo War. 

~ to 1921 AD: Democrat, was US Pres.

~ USA Wars near and far: New Mexico Navajo War. Banana wars, Philippine-American War.

~ Geochronology: furthered by British geologist Arthur Holmes with his book The Age of the Earth, radiometric dating.

1914 AD to 1918 AD: The world was having WWI,  Russia was our allie.

~ US Banana Wars. US invades Mexico. 

~ Ireland: Implementation of Home Rule postponed because of the outbreak of World War One.

~ World: Outbreak  of World War I.

~ Ireland: IRB decides on Rising.

1915 AD: The union organizer, Joe Hill, was hanged in Salt Lake City. Do you know the song? We still sing of Joe from time to time.

~ US Banana Wars.

~ US invades Mexico.

~ US Colorado - Paiute war.

~ On August 7th of this year my mother, Dorothy Cecilia Sheehan was born in the city of Wayne County, Michigan. She was the daughter of Richard Johnson* and Nettie Lucille Daniels/Danielewski.  

1916 AD to 1934 AD: U.S. Banana wars mostly in Central America.

~ US continues the invasion of Mexico until 1919. 

~ Ireland: May 3rd, 12 executions lead to Easter Rising in Dublin. After leaders are executed, public opinion backs independence.

1917 AD: USA: On June 26th of this year an I.W.W. strike was called at copper mines near Bisbee, Arizona. strikers were deported by sheriff Wheeler. 

~ Houston, Texas: Large race riot is said to have been sparked by the  Houston police against black soldiers, officers, and civilians. There was fighting between black military of Camp Logan and Houston police. Tell me the story,

~ US: In California at the Salton Sea. Seining of mullet became a profitable industry in the USA during WWI. Mullet Island at the south end of the Sea and nearby mud pots became popular tourist attractions.

~ US initiates Banana Wars, invades Mexico, and fights WW I.

~ USA: Bisbee, Arizona: On June 26th the I.W.W. was called at called at copper mines. Strikers were deported by sheriff Wheeler. IWW is the Industrial Workers of the World.

~ Ireland: De Valera won election in East Clare.

~ De Valera was an Irish leader from 1917 to 1973 and founded Fianna Fail, Warriors of Fail.

~  USA, Arizona, Bisbee ,June 26th: The I.W.W. strike was called at copper mines near Bisbee. Strikers were deported by sheriff Wheeler.

~ USA: Seining of mullet became a profitable industry in Salton Sea of California during WWI. Mullet Island at the south end of the Sea and the nearby mud-pots became popular tourist attractions.


1918 AD: US continues Banana Wars and invasion of Mexico as it fights WW I.

~ Russia withdrew from the war, WWI, with the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. The announcement of the Treaty angered the Allies and resulted in an invasion of north-western Russia to retrieve arms supplied to tsarist Russia and given to aid the Whites.

~ The Ukraine became the Cossack republic. 

~ In November of this year the First World War ended.

~ World: The Spanish Flue pandemic lasted 3 years. Death data is inadequate in part of because the governments U.S., France, Germany, and England lied to their people. The Spanish government was more forthcoming. Deaths may have been between 17 and 100 million. Death rate for children was greater than expected. The Spanish flu is likely to have begun in the US. China was little affected.

1919 AD: US continues Banana Wars and invasion of Mexico.

~ Irish War of Independence against Britain. 

~ Communist International (Comintern) formed in Moscow. It evolved from being an independent international organization to being a Soviet sponsored organization coordinating revolutionary overthrow of capitalism worldwide

~ China: Marxism was spreading in China by this time.


1920 AD: The end of the Little Ice Age.

~ US continues Banana Wars.

~ 1930 AD, 1948, 1964, 2020 The people of the US continue to change the way they think about the Mound Culture. By 1920 the Mounds had become a destination for the wealthy.

~ USA: In large part due to the Detroit auto industry, the mounds, from the mouth of the Mississippi to the Ohio river valley became a destination for the wealthy. The "mounds" are those earthen works of a number of similar similar cultures connected by commerce and stretching back to the time of megafauna.

~ Ireland: Burning of Cork by Auxiliaries.

~ Ireland: Civil War starts between The Free State army and the IRA.

~ USA: Virginia Marie Brennan was born in Michigan on September 15th.

~ China: The Comintern sent Grigori Voitinsky to China to firmly establish the Communist Party there.

~ USA: In large part due to Detroit and the auto industry, the ancient mounds from the mouth of the Mississippi, up that river to above the Ohio river and along the Ohio river, became important tourist attractions.

1921 AD: US continues Banana Wars.

~  December: Anglo Irish Treaty between Britain and Ireland led to the creation of the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland.

~ Russia: The New Economic Policy was proposed by Lenin to prevent the Russian economy from collapsing. The new policy required farmers to pay a specific amount of raw agricultural goods as a tax in kind. Under the NEP the state, controlled banks, foreign trade, and large industries, while allowing some private ventures, which permitted small business and shops to reopen.

~ China: The Communist Party began during the First Congress held at Shanghai where the name Chines Communist Party was adopted and all other Marxist and Marxist groups dropped/suppressed.

1922 AD: US continues Banana Wars.

~ to 1991 AD: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia. Initially as a union of four Soviet Socialist Republics, the USSR grew to contain 15 constituent or union republics.

~ the Ukraine Soviet Socialist Republic became one of the founding republics of the Soviet Union.

~ Irish Civil War started between Free State army and the IRA.

~ to 1943AD, Italy: Italian Fascism was led by Benito Mussolini.

1923 AD: US continues Banana Wars and engages in the Posey War.

~ Ireland: End of Civil War.

~ the Republican, Warren G Harding was U.S. president.

~ End of civil War in Ireland. 

~ to 1929 AD the Republican Calvin Coolidge was US pres.


1924 AD to 1934 AD: US continues Banana Wars each of these years.

~ Italy: The Fascists won 65% of the vote by using violence and intimidation, and murdering the opposition opponent, Giacomo.

1925 AD to 1926 AD: USA: Kit Carson traveled around California and Arizona. 

~ US Banana wars. 


1926 AD: De Valera founded Fianna Fail in Ireland. 

~ US Banana Wars.

1927 AD: General Election in Ireland.

~ De Valera and Fianna Fail enter Dail in Ireland.

~ General elections in Ireland.

1929 AD, USA, On March 4th:Herbert Clark Hoover is inaugurated president of the  

~ USA: June 15th: Hoover signs the Agricultural Marketing Act, establishing the Federal Farm Board to raise prices and revitalize the farm market.

~ US: July 19th: Common stock in Insull Utility Investments, a holding company, hits a new high of 94, a six-fold increase over its level of 15 just a few weeks before. 

~ US, September 3rd: Dow Jones industrial average reaches a historic high of 381.

~US, October 24th: Black Thursday. Nearly 30 million shares change hands! But the Dow recovers most of the losses by the end of the day. 

~ US, October 29th: Black Tuesday. Dow Jones Industrial Average drops to 230 from 261.

~ US, November 21st: Hoover rallies business. With Hoover's support, Henry Ford announces a wage hike at Ford to correct an under-supply of purchasing power.

~ US, November 23rd: Hoover exhorts governors of all 48 states to expand public works and keep employment high.

~ Russia, January 5th: Stalin announces that all farms must be collectivized by 1932.

~ US, January 17th: President Hoover signs the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, raising US tariffs to a historic high and triggering an international tariff war.

~ US Banana Wars.


1929 AD: On March 4th Herbert Clark Hoover was inaugurated as president of the USA. He announces that "government should assist and encourage these movements of collective self-help."
~ to 1933 AD the Republican Herbert C. Hoover was US pres.
~ US, June 15th: Hoover signs the Agricultural Marketing Act, establishing the Federal Farm Board to raise prices and revitalize the farm market.
~ US, July 19th: Common stock in Insull Utility Investments, a holding company, hits a new high of 94, a full six-fold increase over its level of 15 just a few weeks before.
~US, September 3rd: Dow Jones industrial average reaches a historic high of 381.
~ US, October 24th: Black Thursday. Nearly 30 million shares change hands! But the Dow recovers most of the losses by the end of the day.
~ US, October 29th: Black Tuesday. Dow Jones Industrial Average drops to 230 from 261.
~ US, November 21st: Hoover rallies business. With Hoover's support, Henry Ford announces a wage hike at Ford to correct "an under-supply of purchasing power."
~ On March 4th Herbert Clark Hoover was inaugurated as president of the USA. He announces that "government should assist and encourage these movements of self-help."

~ to 1933 AD: Herbert C. Hoover was the Republican president of the US.

~ to 1991 AD, Russia: "Five Year" economic plans in Russia, 13 of them, some worked well, some did not. None were easy. They moved Russia forward.

1929 AD, Japan: Beginning with the Showa era and the collapse of the world economy lead to a resurgence of jingoistic patriotism and a weakening of democratic principles. The beliefs that the military could solve the threats to Japan both domestic and foreign emerged at a time when other nations turned toward fascism and totalitarianism.

~ US, November 23rd: President Hoover exhorts governors of all 48 states to expand public works to keep employment high.

~ US, March 4th: Herbert Clark Hoover was inaugurated as president of the United States. He announces that "government should assist and encourage these movements of collective self-help." 

US, June 15th: Hoover signs the Agriculture Marketing Act, establishing the Federal Farm Board to raise prices and revitalize the farm market.

~ US, July 19th: Common stock in Insull Utility Investments, a holding company, hits new high of 94, a six fold increase over its level of 15 just a few weeks before.

~ US: September 3rd: Dow Jones industrial average reaches a historic high of 381.

US, October 29th: Black Thursday. Dow Jones industrial average drops to 261.

US, November 21st: Hoover rallies business. With Hoover's support, Henry Ford announces a wage hike to correct "an under-supply of purchasing power.

1930 AD: USA: People in general began to see National Parks in the US as important and worth protecting.

~ January 9th Stalin announces that all farms in the Soviet Union must be collective by 1932.

~ January 17th President Hoover of the US signs the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act raising US tariffs to a historic high and triggering an international tariff war.

1930 AD: Japan: Toward war. A turning point came with the ratification of the London Naval Treaty on this year.

1930 AD: People in general began to see National Parks in the US as important and worth protecting.
~ January 9th Stalin announces that all farms in the Soviet Union must be collective by 1932.
~ January 17th President Hoover of the U.S. signs the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act raising U.S. tariffs to a historic high and triggering an international tariff 'war." 
~ US Banana Wars continue.
~ Some 1350 banks fail.
~ December 11th, USA: The Bank of the United States with 60 branches in New York which served immigrants, closes its doors.
~ November 17th: the League of Nations opens the second International Conference on Concerted Economic Action in Geneva to discuss the spreading depression.
~ September 9th, USA: the State Department announces it will curb immigration until underemployment lessens.
~ July 8th, USA: Hoover signs an executive order creating the Veterans Administration with an annual budget of 800 million dollars a year.
~ June 24th Hoover kills 102 million dollar of additional funding  in Congressional package for veterans as "just bad legislation." A much smaller package is created.

