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Thursday, August 31, 2017
The New Robber Barons
What was meant by A Gilded Age?
Bill Moyers Essay: Joblessness Is Killing Us. The Pope Says So.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
New: CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government
Monday, August 28, 2017
Mysterious Origins of Bagpipes
Sunday, August 27, 2017
More On Dialogue
Our present purpose is to practice skills and learn rules of effective dialogue. We hope that others will come to see how this mere practice builds and supports our culture even as we listen and speak.
This Dialogue For Peace, this Magic Table Dialogue, this dialogue is mostly leaderless. We can practice it and share its benefits without leaders.
To begin your dialogue you will need to talk with others about the dialogue. You will begin, probably, by talking it over, discussing why you are doing it, what it means, and how you want to do it.
More to come.
by Richard Sheehan
Klaus Dona: Mysterious Artifacts from Secret Collections & Giant Skeleto...
Our Dialogue
Participate in a dialogue group
The dialogue is aimed at learning to think together coherently. Thinking together coherently calls for sustained dialogue. The earliest dialogue may be called a listening practice, but also calls for use of your voice and mind as well as your ears. Thinking together is both satisfying and a great power. We believe that it is worth the effort to practice.This thinking together is a growth and learning process. It occurs consciously and also on a preconscious level. It may occur within us as in our talk to ourselves, or even on an unspoken level. Such talk and thinking may be expected to take on renewed honesty.
There were times and places when and where this kind of talk was common, but in these days it is uncommon At this time the dialogue of which we speak is rare. It seems to me that it is urgent that more of us practice this sort of dialogue. It is urgent that more of us practice a more effectively honest and coherent communication. By 'we' I mean humanity in general as well as well as those willing to practice the dialogue now.
Group benefits:
For our own well-being and perhaps our survival we need to better share our consciousness and become better able to think together. Being able to think together enables us to do intelligently and effectively that which we deem necessary.
Seems time to close for now. Later we might consider how dialogue supports and strengthens our culture. Another topic might be the set of a dialogue group.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Finding the Israelites in Goshen: The David Rohl Lectures - Part 2
Monday, August 21, 2017
Mae West: And The Men Who Knew Her
Friday, August 18, 2017
What Ancient Human Civilizations Said About The Moon - 2017 The Moon is ...
What about our money? What about our,wealth, our resources, our will?
The Dialogue Game
It's a Practice which Increases your Skill and Understanding:
Our dialogue talk is designed to create areas of coherence in the vastness of misunderstanding. Often a major benefit of our dialogue is to give us a better chance to experience the power of collectively shared meaning which we have created. Most ordinary talk in our society may be called incoherent. To learn to do our dialogue talk, takes ongoing practice. This practice we have called Dialogue for Peace, Magic Table Dialogue, and just The Dialogue. The Dialogue has rules which call for practice. The rules need not be rigid, but they do call for practice which is important.
The Dialogue is aimed at learning to think together coherently. Thinking together coherently calls for sustained practice. An early practice may be called a listening practice, but calls for some use of your voice as well as of your ears and mind. Thinking together is both satisfying and a great power. We believe that it is well worth the effort.
This thinking together is a learning and growth process. It occurs on various levels of consciousness. It occurs in one, in mental talk to one's self, or even on unspoken levels. We could just say that a lot of learning goes on in dialogue practice.
Make comments below. I respect suggestions and am grateful for them.
Your suggestions about how the dialogue might be done online can benefit us.You may place whatever you have to say in the "Comment" area below anonymously, with a pen name, ot just your regular name.
Search this blog with one of the several avenues of search available here.
Dialogue practice is much like a parlor game. When you hold the talking stick, everyone listens. Your talking time is limited and if you wish you make it very short. You can say, "The word is ______." and "I pass."
Thank you for reading.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Brien Foerster: Crimson Horizon - The Mysterious Red-Haired Sea Kings of...
Chris Trwoga: Crystal Technology of the Megalith Builders FULL LECTURE
Thursday, August 10, 2017
How to Fix Our Broken Political Conversations | Robb Willer | TEDxMarin
Monday, August 7, 2017
TEDxRainier - Eric Liu - Seattle's Civic Secret Sauce
David Simon on America as a Horror Show
The Collapse of The American Dream Explained in Animation
What the 1% Don't Want You to Know
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Culture is More Important than Politics
Eric Liu: Why ordinary people need to understand power
Willful ignorance. It is OK to wake up.