Wednesday, January 10, 2018

A Short Miscellany of History Notes


Hints of that which we can learn related to Napoleon:

The law of the U.S. state of Louisiana is significantly influenced by Napoleonic Law.

Prussians are the ones who saved the peoples of Great Britain from the armies of Napoleon. 

Napoleon made his brother king of Spain and for the next six years, 1808 t0 1814, the Spanish people waged a guerrilla war against the French. At the same time the colonial peoples of Mexico, South America, and Central America fought wars of independence from French Spain.

If Napoleon as his first name, what as his second name? It that question was too easy try this on: How did U.S. commercial policy and actions relate to the Opium Wars?  

The sixty yeas of war from 1776 to 1815 did much to prepare busy little America and most of Europe to prepare for the Industrial revolution. In the U.S. immigration made labor so cheap that employers were free to pay the lowest wage possible. Most immigrants then were ignorant of our freedom to control the distribution of our wealth.

Discontent of workers in Europe led to the revolts of 1884 there. The savagery of the repression of those revolts showed the nature of the the ruling class of the time. This same discontent led to a great deal of immigration to the Americas, much of it to North America.

by Richard Sheehan
for Mago Bill and you