Green Party economics are getting better. Green environment includes $ in a working person's pocket. Corporate rule. She speaks here to English people in England.
War for oil. Adapting to Climate change. Equality and justice. Dissolution of classical parties. Cancelling student debt possible. Know our power. A really nice platform. Immigration problems from climate changes.
Bad words for wars. Almost as bad for military. Health care.
Cubans quickly got very healthy.
Americans getting sicker or not improving.
She is not a great speaker, but she knows the problems better than all recent presidents.
She also has good ideas of how the country can pay cash for its needs.
How to handle the politics wasn't much talked about, she will need our cooperation and backup in an ongoing process.
She describes our governors as predatory.
How shall we give Dr. Jill Stein more real protection and support?
How shall we give Dr. Jill Stein more real protection and support?