Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Your Vocabulary and the Irish Land Wars

Mago Bill: History, Ireland, and word.The Irish Land Wars are the source of the introduction of a powerfully useful word into the English language.  


            The Irish Land Wars are the source of the introduction of a powerfully useful word into the English language. In 1850 Irish persons formed the Tenant Right League in Ireland to demand reform to the land law of Ireland. It was a law not of democratic origin. This organization and demand was followed by about 40 years of unrest in Ireland as well as to some learning and reform. 

            The word in question is the surname of a landlord so disliked by his tenants that he was refused labor to harvest his crops, as well as refusal to service shops, laundries, and other facilities. The social excommunication of Mr. Boycott led to his name being used to describe it. Boycotts have worked well as nonvirulent protest measures. 

            Check out the the Home Rule League of Ireland online. Doing so could contribute to your political education. Then go on to check the Irish Land League. Doing so could add to your understanding of political organization. Check out Gandhi  on the use of resistance and organization to achieve social ends. Well reasoned and presented protests have been a powerful social power. The Irish National League may be interesting to check out, but may prove complicated by the source of your information. 

            Due to my background as an educator I feel the need to add, is that one thing you need to learn is that you are responsible for ruling yourself. In Ireland that has been called Home Rule. It does seem best to begin at home. You can blame your father, wife, mayor, or President, but that, I have found a waste of energy. Where you are concerned you are the authority and the boss, and the doing is yours to do. You will have your results.

            We have a lot to learn about politics and our own history. History is how we learn what works and and what doesn't. Its mostly the experience of others, but we each have our own history. Politics can be called how we cooperate to get doings done.

            There are extended meanings of the word "boycott" to be found online. They can be very instructive.