Saturday, December 18, 2021

Mago Bill Organizing power: including self governance, democratic social governance, and effective organizing. A beginning

 Mago Bill Governance: Organization, Effective Citizenship, and the Power to Do

                Your organization can make you a more effective citizen. There seems to be a new or renewed urge toward new political organization and active citizenship these days. Many of us have a growing understanding of democracy. We see that more active citizenship brings more democracy.

                A new organization is much like an old organization. It takes people to organize, but many of those organizing are new not old. Persons new to organizing, especially political organizing, have a lot to learn. Their energy and enthusiasm will be an important aid to their progress. 

                An organization may have a beginning in individual minds, but its realization will be in a group. A group of people is most often a mess and a mess of people is not an organization. To become an organization there are doings such a mess of people must do. They can begin with a bit of togetherness and continue with a growing ability to cooperate. 

                Agreement that a new organization is necessary or a darn good idea can be a useful beginning. Agreement, perhaps tacit, to work together can be another important step. Finding ways to cooperate is important. Old organizers found many ways to facilitate cooperation.

                Soon the purpose of the organization must begin to be identified and clarified. Clarification of purpose is an ongoing process and activity. This may often be begun by a small group of leaders, but must be carried on by many others.

                Say that the original growing group is made up of citizens who have discovered that they want a brand new political organization. They have some willingness to work together. The also have understandings and misunderstandings to work out. A lot of work.

                Members of this very new organization need to maintain an ongoing understanding of the aims, values, and wants of others in the organization in so far as they affect the organization. Not easy, but important to their ability to increase their effectiveness.

                An important benefit of an organization is that which needs to be done, need not be done by one or a very few, but rather can be shared among and by all members. In fact the more involved with the important work of the organization that are all members, the better the moral and effectiveness of the organization is likely to be. 

                The members of a well functioning group can feel themselves to be effective doers, and can be those effective doers in fact.

                There are some doings and practices which have helped others to start and maintain their organization.

Doings and practices to begin promptly:

~ Consider how you intend to keep in contact.

~ Begin identifying your goals and aims.

~ Clarify goals and aims.

~ Restate goals and aims.

~ Arrange to have each member help to achieve these goals and aims.

~ Take care of all business promptly.

~ Arrange for the ongoing education for all members.

~ Practice dialogue skills.

~ Arrange for members to have opportunity to be educators.

~ Enjoy your participation.

~ Keep in mind that teaching one another is important. Outside help can be very good, but seldom as good as that which we do for ourselves. As we teach, we learn.

~ Demonstrate abundant and appropriate trust of one another.

~ Keep in mind that the fewer the secrets the better. "No secrets" is a good policy.

~ Be inclusive.  as a policy, help anyone who wants to be a member to be one.

~ Encourage equality.

~ Remind one another that each of you is important to and responsible for the maintenance of your organization, its philosophy, and its doings.

~ Lay out clear steps for achieving important and doable goals and plans for your organization.

~ Aims and goals ought to be not only doable and important but also be an attractive and challenging big deal.

~ Set out one or two doings or goals to be worked on today. Your organization will benefit by having important things to be done right now.

~ Keep in mind that there is much to be done and that each member ought to help with those doings.

~ Make clarifying the "grand vision" of your organization an ongoing activity. "Learning, teaching, and practicing democratic self governance for all" might be an example of such a vision.

~ Aim to govern yourselves by practicing self-governance.

            There is a 'comments' window below for comments on the content of this posts.

            Thank you very much for reading.



Anthropology of the Calusa of Florida

 North American Indians

The Calusa of what is now Florida, USA

                A great people who deserve more talk and understanding.

                I haven't yet written much of the early peoples of North America, but if I live long enough I intend to write much more.


            The words I now write of the Calusa are few. Even so I expect that will be sufficient to fix the Calusa  people and the name Calusa in the minds of a few our readers.

                    In the 1500s the Calusa still controlled much of  the southwest of Florida. They defended their land against the aggression  of other peoples including European explorers.  The Spaniards knew them as fierce. The Caloosahatchee River, with its mouth on the southwest of  Florida, was theirs.

                They lived mostly along the inland waterways and developed them for transportation and food production. The sea was also a source of food for them. They left middens of seashells large enough in size to compete with their great mounds and other earthworks. The fished with nets and tapped fish.

                The Calusa had a strong influence on the tribes around them. That influence may be because of their wide trading. They typically used dugouts for use at sea and along their inland waterways. They also built  and used larger vessels. They visited Cuba regularly and probably sailed much farther into the Caribbean.

                Their homes were built on platforms on pilings over the water. Their buildings had particularly handsome roofing of palmetto leaves. It is said that some of their 'houses' were large enough to easily accommodate 2000 persons!

                They were excellent wood workers and they also did some fine wood carving. They were excellent farmers, sailors, fishermen, and traders, They are probably responsible for the construction of what we have called bayous.

                The apex of their culture probably dates well before 100 BC. Their middens and and earth works have been dated to that time.

                We have much to learn from and about the Calusa. Please feel free to extend and correct our knowledge of them.

                What is you interest in American Indians? Help me write to your interests.

                Thank you for reading.


                                                                                                by R.C.S.




An Introduction to Science with a hint of Self Development and Knowledge

 Mago Bill Science: Its an Introduction


                 Science is the practice of a method of understanding and of communication. It may be called the scientific method. This method can be a great help in self-development and in being a successful human being.

                As you become better acquainted with this method of understanding you become a more effective person. You will also develop a better understanding of the sciences in general and of each individual science, even ytterbiumology.

                The scientific method generally includes the following doings: observation, identification/recognition, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena. So, a scientist observes a doing or happening and begins to explain it. The method is much about how she does this. That is, how you do it may be more important than what you do.

                To start well, lets try to define some of our terms. We can begin with the word 'science.' Starting at the beginning we see that science means knowledge, the business of knowing. Just how one knows is a serious subject. A subject we could check into later. Early in its history science became knowledge gained  by study. Science brings its history with it. It still means knowledge and it still means knowledge gained by study. The science quickly came to be the study of particular and specific subjects. In its more modern meaning it has come to mean the technical and mathematical study  of a subject. However the basic method of doing science is both a simpler and more powerful attitude then one might suppose.

                We already know that "method" means "the way how." So, science is a particular way of understanding, a particularly effective way of understanding. It may be useful to remember that the suffix -ology means study. So anthropology is the study of human species, of humanity in most of its aspects. It has often been a comparative study of behavior, biology, societies. Whereas biology is the natural scientific study of life and of living organisms. It is one of the more nicely developed sciences. Cells and genes are now important factors in this study.

                It is important that a person interested in science develop a good grasp on the nature of scientific: observation, identification, explanation, knowing, researching,  and theoretical description. Also to develop their ability to recognize and observe natural phenomena is helpful to their use of scientific methodology.

                To gain and to communicate scientific knowledge one needs to become familiar with its concepts and vocabulary. As interest is shown, I hope to write more on the topic. I believe that you already have an understanding of the scientific method as a way many have found usful for gaining practical, productive knowledge and of communicating that knowledge.

                You probably already have the understanding that science is well begun and carried out with studied and practiced observation. 

                The ways of scientific observation are important to the development of knowledge. My dictionary says this about "to observe:" to notice, to perceive, to watch attentively, to make a scientific or systematic observation. "Systematic," that implies that there is a system to be learned. It seems that the way of a scientific doing is, at least, as the what.

                Observation is the act of observing; that is the act of noting and recording of a phenomena, doing, or happening, perhaps with instruments. Observation might lead to developing a judgement or inference. What are the methods for developing a judgement or an inference!

                "Identify" could be our next term to examine. If you would like me to continue some sort of exposition of science, please leave a comment to thar effect in the "comment" window below.

                Identifying a phenomena is, in large part, for the purpose of being able to recognize the phenomena yourself and to enable others to also recognize it. There is more to say about the recognize/identify part of of our scientific process,  but I will leave it for another time.

                Oh, yes. Ytterbiumology is beyond my present knowledge; still it can be studied, known, and used. Its a chemical element with the symbol Yb and atomic number of 70. I may not live long enough to get deeply into the study of this element. Perhaps you can tell us more about it.



Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Not A Public Forum

 More about what our dialogue practice groups are and what they are not. Our practice groups are social, but not usually public.

            A public forum is an important place, doing, and happening. A public forum is of great value to a people. It is a place for news and information to be exchanged, and may be a place to convince others of the value of one's positions. It may even be a place for economic or religious contention. Such forums are important tools of democracy, nation, and community.

            Members of dialogue practice groups often support public forums, but cannot be one. The public forum is a place for the practice of free speech wherein the limits are so broad so that it seems that anything goes.

            In our dialogue groups we aim for higher levels of meaning, understanding, and ability to think together. We aim for greater respect and valuing for the assumptions and opinions of others. With appropriate modesty, we aim to better understand the meaning what others are saying for us.

            We like our group to be inclusive. We are interested in sharing peace, meaning, and understanding. In our groups we practice talking among ourselves using rules for, and ways of,  carrying on our talk effectively.

            To beginners our talk sometimes seems purposeless. We seem to have no agenda, to have little authority or hierarchy. However, with our rules, ways, and skills, we limit fear, anger, and contention as we enhance understanding, meaning, and peace. At times we are pleasantly surprised by evidence of a new power of thinking together.

Here on Mago Bill,  you can find more posts about dialogue. But if you are really interested by this post you can click on:
 Dialogue With RCS.  Then click on the blue URL just below.

for Mago Bill
by Richard Sheehan 

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Science: First words 0n

 Introducing science as a way to understand and communicate and to improve everyday life. Including an introduction to the scientific method which can be thought of as the heart of science.         


 Science is a way one may use to improve every-day life. Science is a doing. It is a method of understanding. It is the practice of a method to understand and to communicate that understanding. It may be called the scientific method. This method can be an aid to one's personal self-development. 

            As you become more acquainted with this method of understanding you will become a more understanding person. You will also come to have a better understanding of science than do most people on earth. You will also have begun a better understanding of any of the sciences even ytterbiumology!

            The scientific method includes the following 5 powerful actions: 

~ observation

~ identification

~ description

~ experimentation

~ explanation.

               These are four actions one may take to know. They are what one can do. This "what" is important but "how" may be more important. I will say a bit about this "how" right here. Observation may be the careful watching of a process, doing, or happening you have good reason to believe is real. Identification is being familiar enough with what you have observed to be able to recognize it again. A description enables you to tell another how to recognize the phenomenon and to help you to recognize it again later. Experimentation is a way to further investigate that which you have observed. Explanation is a theoretical explaining of what you are coming to understand from your observation of the phenomena you have identified.

            Just taking the above steps and so becoming more aware of your observations has empowered you. So, we might say, a scientist carefully observes and begins an explanation of her observations. The method, is how she does this. That is, it is done carefully and systematically. The scientist can tell another the system and theoretically that other should be able to duplicate the original observations and experimentations and get similar results. The quality of what is done is important, How well you observe is important. How you do it is as important as what you do.

        `    To understand a subject it is good to clarify the words used to describe it. Let me begin to begin to define some our terms here. The word "science" seems a good place to start. Simply, science means knowledge, the business of coming to know. Just how one knows is a serious business. Science became knowledge gathered by study and still contains that meaning. Study is a name for careful observation and interpretation within a specified field. That now often includes study of the work of others, Now science has come to include the technical and mathematical study of a subject. We will not go as far as the uses of math or the techniques if a specific science. However, the basic methods of doing science both simpler and more powerful than one might suppose. Some come to see it as an attitude.

            "Method" refers to the way an act is accomplished, how it is done. So, science is a way to understand. A particular science is a way to understanding in a particular field. Anthropology is a particular science. "Anthro- refers to humanity and -ology refers to study. So anthropology is the study of humanity. It is often about the comparative study of societies. Study is an important part of the life of most scientists. They want to know about what others in their field have learned.

                In doing their science one usually begins with observation and identification; then on to describe and investigate. Experimentation in this field has not been easy, but anthropologist are finding ways of testing their observations. Their explaining of the phenomena of their field has proven interesting and useful. They have their own way of doing their work, but they also use the basic steps of the method we are learning about (I learn as I write.).

    `        "Biology" names another science. Its about life. It is the natural scientific study of life and living organisms. It is one of the more nicely developed sciences. So nicely developed that some of its practitioners some times seem to forget that its development is dependent on the method we are looking at. Cells and genes are important aspects of this science. Understanding them begins with observation and identification and then on to explain their finds to their fellows and humanity. Biologists use the scientific method.

            You have seen that it can important that a person interested in science to have a good grasp on the nature of the scientific method. Knowledge of that method can be a great aid to one interested in knowledge. The following vocabulary points to activities useful to one who would know: observation, identification, recognition, explanation, probability, knowing, understanding, researching, theoretical description. Also, to remember that an ability to recognize and observe natural phenomena is a great aid to understanding and is part of scientific methodology. If you are interested in math you may find that solid geometry may prove an interesting way to keep your science real and less difficult to communicate.

            I believe that you have an understanding of the heart of the scientific method as a way many have found useful for gaining practical, productive knowledge.

            The ways of scientific observation are important to the development of understanding. Often it is carried with the use of technical instrumentation, but that need not be the case. My dictionary has this to say about "to observe:" to watch attentively, to notice, to make a systematic or scientific observation. I have heard that good observation may be like seeing with a new pair of glasses. "Systematic" implies that there may be a system or systems to be learned. It seems that the way of a scientific doing is as important as the what of it. I have heard that is not so much about what you but rather how you do it.

            So observation includes the acts of looking, seeing, noting, and recording of  phenomena. All this done as a step toward communicating your work to another. Your observation might be better done with instrumentation, but this is often not a necessity. 

            Observation may lead to developing an a judgement or inference. Wow! We may have stuff (good important stuff) to learn about the development of a judgement or an inference. If you can tell us anything about judgement or inference as relates to science please use the "comments" section below. You may have to click on "no comments!"

             There is more to learn about the way science is done.  However this seems about enough for now. I'll end by saying a bit about identification. Identifying a phenomenon, is in large part, for the purpose of being able to recognize it yourself in the future and to an enable others to find it, and to recognize it.

            Oh, ytterbiumology, it is beyond my present knowledge. Still it may be studied and know well enough to make us some cash. It seems that ytterbium is a real element known to many chemists and physicists. It has the symbol of Yb and the atomic number of 70. I am willing to be taught.


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Thoughts on Meditation

 An Introduction to Meditation: benefits, practice, meaning, and learning

I am having some renewed thoughts on meditation. I practiced meditation for some time in the past and found it useful and interesting. 

I am starting to remember some benefits of the practice. One benefit was like the result of a good nights sleep or a nice little vacation. I may be misleading to put it like that. I often felt refreshed after a practice. Another benefit was that after meditating my mind felt more organized and calmer. My thoughts seemed more usefully filed, organized, and prioritized. I remember that my mind was better structured and organized when I had meditated regularly.

I suspect that meditation can be an effective and lasting way of structuring one's mind. There are a variety of benefits. One becomes more able to effectively focus on that which one has decided to focus. One becomes more alert, aware, and conscious of  one's self and of what is going on around one. Structuring is an ongoing process and so is meditation.

I thought of my practice as a regular ongoing doing. It seems it was much about self and awareness. It was a lot about paying attention.

Much can be learned about meditation online. You can learn a lot about it  on Esoteric to Exoteric. I expect I will continue to post about it.

Your dictionary may correctly inform you that to meditate is to ponder, to plan, and intend in mind. You may be correctly told that much contemplation and prayer is very like meditation. And also told that meditation may refer to a devotional exercise of contemplation. Being told all this one may still wonder why one would want to meditate and also how one could do it effectively.
For me meditation is an exercise and a practice much like working- out regularly at the gym. However, one doesn't need a gym or much of anything to meditate. I once heard that a man did satisfying meditation as he plowed his fields. No you don't need a plow to meditate. I have preferred a siren and quiet atmosphere where the chances of interruption were small, but have meditated on a bus. The idea is that one needs very little to meditate, but may have many preferences.

There are many reasons to meditate and many good reasons to to change ones ways and means of meditation. One reason I had was gaining self-knowledge. another was to broaden my awareness. For some it could be part of a process of purification or much about experimentation. I have been told that the major purpose or goal is, or ought to be the conscious integration of mind, body, and intellect.

I hope you are begging to get a better feel for what meditation can be. I also hope to post more about the "why" and "way" of meditation.
For right now here is some more about the "what" of meditation. Consciousness is important to the practice of meditation. Conscious means to have in mind, to be aware. So, if you add focus, you pretty much have the heart of meditation. The practice of focusing attention one  happening, thought, area, field, doing or something is meditation.

So, meditation is about maintaining the focus of attention on that which you choose, about being mindful only of that which you have chosen. Its the practice of keeping conscious attention on that which you choose to focus, say I.

It can be a sort of game of getting back to your chosen object of focus as soon as you can when you wander from it.

Some have called their practice sitting. For some of them the object may be to sit. They may choose to sit for half a hour. Once they have sat for that time, they may feel that they have completed a good practice. They may very well be right.

Please feel free to comment on meditation or the content of this post in the "comments" window below. Use your name, a name you chose, or you may be anonymous.

Its meditation.


A Leading Republican

Mago Bill: A little fun with Napoleon, a leading republican of his day

                 Napoleon Bonaparte, a leading republican of his day, was willing to become Emperor of France. France welcomed him as Emperor. There may be a lesson to be learned from this bit of history.
                Napoleon did bring reforms to Europe and beyond in the fields of science, education, and a variety of cultural areas. These works could be called republican.
                The legal system called the Napoleonic Code, influenced much of Europe and a significant part of the rest of the World. Napoleonic law is an important part of the law of the U.S. state of Louisiana. 
Napoleon was a warrior, a leader of armies. Some have said that he won a war against  Russian. To attack Russia, he left home with about a half million men. He returned home with about 20,000 men and "the shirt on his back."
                He met his "Waterloo" in a battle against Prussia and Britain. In that battle Prussia "saved Britain's bacon.
                After Waterloo, Britain, Spain, Prussia, Austria, Russia, and others joined one another in suppressing liberal movements throughout Europe. 
This is a TEST:
~ Why do the histories of so many revolutions seem revolting?
~ Where is your revolution headed?
~ Why might a republican be willing to become an emperor?
~ What is a "loo?"
~ Why ought the citizens of a republic be responsible?

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Science: Introduction

 Mago Bill, science: Getting to know the method of knowing called science.


            Science is the practice of a method of understanding and of communication. It may be called the scientific method. This method can be a great help in self-development and in being a successful human being.

            As you become better acquainted with this method of understanding you become a more effective person. You will also develop a better understanding of the sciences in general and of each individual science, even ytterbiumology.

            The scientific method generally includes the following doings: observation, identification/recognition, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena. So, a scientist observes a doing or happening and begins to explain it. The method is much about how she does this. That is, how you do it may be more important than what you do.

            To start well, lets try to define some of our terms. We can begin with the word 'science.' Starting at the beginning we see that science means knowledge, the business of knowing. Just how one knows is a serious subject. A subject we could check into later. Early in its history science became knowledge gained  by study. Science brings its history with it. It still means knowledge and it still means knowledge gained by study. The science quickly came to be the study of particular and specific subjects. In its more modern meaning it has come to mean the technical and mathematical study  of a subject. However the basic method of doing science is both a simpler and more powerful attitude then one might suppose.

            We already know that "method" means "the way how." So, science is a particular way of understanding, a particularly effective way of understanding. It may be useful to remember that the suffix -ology means study. So anthropology is the study of human species, of humanity in most of its aspects. It has often been a comparative study of behavior, biology, societies. Whereas biology is the natural scientific study of life and of living organisms. It is one of the more nicely developed sciences. Cells and genes are now important factors in this study.

            It is important that a person interested in science develop a good grasp on the nature of scientific: observation, identification, explanation, knowing, researching,  and theoretical description. Also to develop their ability to recognize and observe natural phenomena is helpful to their use of scientific methodology.

            To gain and to communicate scientific knowledge one needs to become familiar with its concepts and vocabulary. As interest is shown, I hope to write more on the topic. I believe that you already have an understanding of the scientific method as a way many have found usful for gaining practical, productive knowledge and of communicating that knowledge.

            You probably already have the understanding that science is well begun and carried out with studied and practiced observation. 

            The ways of scientific observation are important to the development of knowledge. My dictionary says this about "to observe:" to notice, to perceive, to watch attentively, to make a scientific or systematic observation. "Systematic," that implies that there is a system to be learned. It seems that the way of a scientific doing is, at least, as the what.

            Observation is the act of observing; that is the act of noting and recording of a phenomena, doing, or happening, perhaps with instruments. Observation might lead to developing a judgement or inference. What are the methods for developing a judgement or an inference!

            "Identify" could be our next term to examine. If you would like me to continue some sort of exposition of science, please leave a comment to thar effect in the "comment" window below.

            Identifying a phenomena is, in large part, for the purpose of being able to recognize the phenomena yourself and to enable others to also recognize it. There is more to say about the recognize/identify part of of our scientific process,  but I will leave it for another time.

            Oh, yes. Ytterbiumology is beyond my present knowledge; still it can be studied, known, and used. Its a chemical element with the symbol Yb and atomic number of 70. I may not live long enough to get deeply into the study of this element. Perhaps you can tell us more about it.     

            Thank you for reading




Truman Capote, Writer

A bit about an author and a book. The Author is Truman Capote and the book is Portraits and Observations

            A recent reading of Portraits and Observations reminds me that Mr. Capote was a fine craftsman and a pleasure to read today. He seemed to love New Orleans and New York. His feelings for our West Coast and our Southwest was not love. Some might call him a regionalist. His observations of Europe are congenial. He does not make a secret of his likes and dislikes.

            His observations of persons have a journalistic feel and he still revels himself in them.

             He wrote so well that I suspect that one or two very good contemporary writers became envious.     

            Truman Capote is, I believe, a pen name. He was born in 1924 and died in 1984. Hus childhood, I believe, was unusual, uneasy, and interesting.


            I missed his first novel, Other Voices, Other Rooms published in 1948. I remember talk of and the film of Breakfast at Tiffany's and his his nonfiction novel, In Cold Blood.

            Reading Portraits and Observations may be a good way for you to get to know his work and a bit about him. The Modern Library paperback edition in front of me mentions all, I believe, of his published works. It also devotes a page and half of biographical information about thi excellent author.

            Capote met famous persons and tells of some of their doings and ways in a way beyond charming.

            He seems not to have been very "political," but he was a journalist with a deep feeling for fairness. Among his essays is a piece on another great American writer. Ezra Pound, of Idaho. Capote leads me to believe that Pound had the misfortune of having his love of history lead him to an interest in economics. It seems that speaking of some individual's source of money or wealth makes them very nervous. Americans seem not to be excepted. The American "people" accused him of treason an convicted Pound of insanity. I am not really well informed on that history. If you know some of it, please use the "comments" section below to inform us a bit.

            Just now that history sounds much like the worst that has come from Russia. Pound was incarcerated in Washington DC for over a decade and then declared incurably insane and released as not being a danger to himself or anyone else. I intend to take care of what I say about U.S. economics.

             Capote has written of himself that he is not attracted to people who care more for their pets than for their friends. First friends and then cities seem to be among his top loves. In cities, he says, that one can be pleased to be among different people with  different sets of friends with none of them overlapping. My experience has been similar.

            Talking of friends Capote intimates that intelligence and attention is important and says, "I pay attention to my friends, am concerned about them and expect them to to do the same in return."

            He says that he has always liked to read and enjoys and admires writers such as Flannery, O'Connor, Norman Mailer, William Styron, Eudora Welty, Katherine Ann Portior, and others, but that in his later life he has enjoyed reading the better of what he has already read: Proust, Flaubert, Jane Austen, Raymond Chandler, and Dickens.

            He liked driving off and considered it therapy. He found betrayal of affections traumatic. As a politician he like Adlai Stevenson. (Stevenson was the first politician for whom I felt some admiration!) Mrs. Roosevelt liked him too. Capote knew and liked conversation and dialogue.

            Seems a lot like a regular person, and a super writer.


Friday, August 13, 2021

Science and Fundamentals

 Mago Bill Science: Fundamentals, no mathematics yet, a new look at some vocabulary, scientific method (the way science is done), and observation of natural phenomena.


                Science! We benefit from what we know about it. We have found it useful in our thinking and in our doing. Our understanding of science is an aid to our understanding of our world. Science can be a way of approaching realty.

                Too many of us lack a grounding in it's fundamentals. Without this grounding we lack an important way of understanding others and of being understood by them. By the time you have read to the end of this post you will know more about the basics of science than do most individuals in the world. Perhaps you already do; you are likely to learn more here.

                You have already begun.  An old aunt of mind used to repeat, "By beginning you are half way there." You will benefit by increasing your knowledge of a very few of the words I will use. Most of the individual sciences have a lot of new word meanings to learn. Here at the heart of the fundamentals of science, there are very few. "Science" could be among those few. Science still means knowledge. Now it more refers more to a special way of getting knowledge. We will go on to learn more of the "what" and the "how of science an perhaps a bit more.

                Some people tell me that mathematics, math, is vital to understanding and doing science. They have a point, but it is not completely true. In some fields of science it is now very, even extremely, important. In most of the science of physics its close enough to true to be called true. For many others a bit of arithmetic will do. I see no need for math, or even, arithmetic in this discussion of fundamentals.

                As a reminder, there is still some vocabulary to learn. For practice you could check out the difference between scientific fact and and scientific theory on line. It might be interesting to check the definitions of "fact" and "theory" in a dictionary. If you could even check out the meaning of "Hypothesis" and tell us some of your findings in the "comments" just below this post. Oh, I can tell you that both scientific fact and theory are both, correctly, subject to change.

                I'll say something about "theory" right now. A theory is a useful explanation. At least that is the usual intention. A theory may even be predictive. Kind of tell the future. For example it could tell us the probability of a specific happening when a specific action is taken. Check it out.

                Its about time for us to  take a first look at the scientific method. The method or methods can be extensive, but this important method has a small powerful heart. We will check out that heart. We can know science as a doing, a process. The method is the way science is done. We will look a the heart of how science is done.

                  There is more power in checking out the meaning of words in science. You develop your word power. you make your understanding of science stronger.

                Onward! Many can agree that observation is the beginning of science, scientific investigation and the scientific method. It probably ought to be part of your attitude toward science and in science.

                If I were a master scientist and you my disciple, we could review some a case of scientific investigation as is often in the teaching of law.. Or as sometimes is done in a school of engineering, we might move through a flowchart of a piece of scientific work. The flow might follow a winding trail from ,say, from discovery, to hypothesis, and on to research and revision. But I am not a scientist, and you would have to check out the scientific meaning of more words.

                It is up to us and to scientists to communicate coherently. If I am not doing my part you can tell me and part of humanity about it in the "comments' section below.

                When you know what "knowledge" means you understand much about science. You are already learning that science is a effective way to knowledge.

                Science is practiced in many particular fields. Biology is one of those fields. A biologist works and learns in the field of biology. There are many other such fields of knowledge.

                So, a science can be a particular branch or field of study, research, and practice. Examples of fields of science; astronomy. barology, chemistry, and, perhaps dermatology. I think that your understanding of science has gone beyond the a,b,c, of science.

                Modern science has been and still is much about the study of natural stuff, matter, and material often in a technical or mathematical way. It also often includes search, research, and experimentation.

                I imagine that I seem slow in getting to the "how?" of science. It seems to me that there is a lot of "what?" to science. I'll try to speed up. I think that I can satisfy my preoccupation with "what" in about two short paragraphs.

                A science is usually a department of systematized knowledge as an object of study. By "systematized" is meant, arranged for ease of understanding, communication, and use. Science in general may include knowledge so arranged that an understanding of it may be more easily communicated from one person to another. I'm not a scientist, remember.

                "Science" may refer to the possession of a particular knowledge as distinguished from not knowing or from misunderstanding. That knowledge is gained through study, practice, and the use of the scientific method.

                Lets get to that method; that way to knowledge.

                We know that each individual science has it's individual ways. However, we also learn that at the center and heart of science is a small set of individual steps which combined form a powerful method.

                Science may sad to be the practiced of a method of understanding, the central steps of which are:

~ Observation

~ Identification including discovery, and description

~ Experimental investigation

~ Theoretical explanation of natural phenomena

            There are a variety of ways to write and word these steps. They are all designed to express the same method. The steps or processes above are most often done in the order given.

            You can learn to carry out these steps. it can be done. We can do them. You can do them. When we learn to complete them well, you may do better than some scientists. Your general knowledge is growing.

             Right now I feel unsure of my understanding of "discovery" in this context. I am pretty sure that it is simply the finding and reporting of something new in your observation or in the process of reviewing your observation. Click on "comments" when you have questions, answers, or comments.

            When I know that you are interested I'll posts more about the use of the method.

            May you stay well and participate a bit more.

             bye for now





Wednesday, August 4, 2021

"We" is an Activity

"We" Forms a Unit and united we stand:

                Can we agree that "we" is a relationship? When we agree to relate it may be good to speak of the level at which we wish to relate. At what level might it be good for us to relate? We could speak of the reason for our relationship. How might we go about relating ? Might it be important that we show our concern for our "we?"

                What's in it for you? What's your interest? How is a mutual or reciprocal relationship handled?

                A "we" must consist of people, persons, individuals, right? Have you seen
the start of a "we?" Was there a kind of joining? Doesn't a "we" require some kind of maintenance?

                What do you suspect, believe, or know about the "we" in the "We the people..." document?

                That "we" could refer to us. How do we go about keeping track of our common interests? How do we reciprocate? "We the people" are a social relationship, aren't they?

                Let's say that we are the people in the "We the people" we know about.
What is the nature of our relationship? What is reason for our relationship? What's in it for you?

                "We" implies a unity, a union. We can probably agree that better and worse unions can be detected. How might we form a more perfect union?

                You may have some notions of "we" stirring in your mind now.

                Communication is important. Talk, dialogue, discussion are important. Talk of "us" and "we"  may be so important as to be called vitally important.

                I say that communication of persons is vitally important for the initiation and maintenance of a "we".    

                To have a good nation we have to have a good "we". 

                Some find a sentence or two above worth contemplating.

                Thank you for reading! 





Friday, July 30, 2021

Science: First Words On

 Mago Bill science: An early introduction to and clarification of science including: seeing science as a way of communicating understanding and knowledge and beginning steps for doing science.         


             Science is a way one may use to improve every-day life. Science is a doing. It is a method of understanding. It is the practice of a method to understand and to communicate that understanding. It may be called the scientific method. This method can be an aid to one's personal self-development. 

            As you become more acquainted with this method of understanding you will become a more understanding person. You will also come to have a better understanding of science than do most people on earth. You will also have begun a better understanding of any of the sciences even ytterbiumology!

            The scientific method includes the following 5 powerful actions: 

~ observation

~ identification

~ description

~ experimentation

~ explanation.

               These are four actions one may take to know. They are what one can do. This "what" is important but "how" may be more important. I will say a bit about this "how" right here. Observation may be the careful watching of a process, doing, or happening you have good reason to believe is real. Identification is being familiar enough with what you have observed to be able to recognize it again. A description enables you to tell another how to recognize the phenomenon and to help you to recognize it again later. Experimentation is a way to further investigate that which you have observed. Explanation is a theoretical explaining of what you are coming to understand from your observation of the phenomena you have identified.

            Just taking the above steps and so becoming more aware of your observations has empowered you. So, we might say, a scientist carefully observes and begins an explanation of her observations. The method, is how she does this. That is, it is done carefully and systematically. The scientist can tell another the system and theoretically that other should be able to duplicate the original observations and experimentations and get similar results. The quality of what is done is important, How well you observe is important. How you do it is as important as what you do.

        `    To understand a subject it is good to clarify the words used to describe it. Let me begin to begin to define some our terms here. The word "science" seems a good place to start. Simply, science means knowledge, the business of coming to know. Just how one knows is a serious business. Science became knowledge gathered by study and still contains that meaning. Study is a name for careful observation and interpretation within a specified field. That now often includes study of the work of others, Now science has come to include the technical and mathematical study of a subject. We will not go as far as the uses of math or the techniques if a specific science. However, the basic methods of doing science both simpler and more powerful than one might suppose. Some come to see it as an attitude.

            "Method" refers to the way an act is accomplished, how it is done. So, science is a way to understand. A particular science is a way to understanding in a particular field. Anthropology is a particular science. "Anthro- refers to humanity and -ology refers to study. So anthropology is the study of humanity. It is often about the comparative study of societies. Study is an important part of the life of most scientists. They want to know about what others in their field have learned.

                In doing their science they usually begin with observation and identification; then on to describe and investigate. Experimentation in this field has not been easy, but anthropologist are finding ways of testing their observations. Their explaining of the phenomena of their field has proven interesting and useful. They have their own way of doing their work, but they also use the basic steps of the method we are learning about (I learn as I write.).

    `        "Biology" names another science. Its about life. It is the natural scientific study of life and living organisms. It is one of the more nicely developed sciences. So nicely developed that some of its practitioners some times seem to forget that its development is dependent on the method we are looking at. Cells and genes are important aspects of this science. Understanding them begins with observation and identification and then on to explain their finds to their fellows and humanity. Biologists use the scientific method.

            You have seen that it can important that a person interested in science to have a good grasp on the nature of the scientific method. Knowledge of that method can be a great aid to one interested in knowledge. The following vocabulary points to activities useful to one who would know: observation, identification, recognition, explanation, probability, knowing, understanding, researching, theoretical description. Also, to remember that an ability to recognize and observe natural phenomena is a great aid to understanding and is part of scientific methodology. If you are interested in math you may find that solid geometry may prove an interesting way to keep your science real and less difficult to communicate.

            I believe that you have an understanding of the heart of the scientific method as a way many have found useful for gaining practical, productive knowledge.

            The ways of scientific observation are important to the development of understanding. Often it is carried with the use of technical instrumentation, but that need not be the case. My dictionary has this to say about "to observe:" to watch attentively, to notice, to make a systematic or scientific observation. I have heard that good observation may be like seeing with a new pair of glasses. "Systematic" implies that there may be a system or systems to be learned. It seems that the way of a scientific doing is as important as the what of it. I have heard that is not so much about what you but rather how you do it.

            So observation includes the acts of looking, seeing, noting, and recording of  phenomena. All this done as a step toward communicating your work to another. Your observation might be better done with instrumentation, but this is often not a necessity. 

            Observation may lead to developing a judgement or inference. Wow! We may have stuff (good important stuff) to learn about the development of a judgement or an inference. If you can tell us anything about judgement or inference as relates to science please use the "comments" section below. You may have to click on "no comments!"

             There is more to learn about the way science is done.  However this seems about enough for now. I'll end by saying a bit about identification. Identifying a phenomenon, is in large part, for the purpose of being able to recognize it yourself in the future and to an enable others to find it, and to recognize it.

            Oh, ytterbiumology, it is beyond my present knowledge. Still it may be studied and know well enough to make us some cash. It seems that ytterbium is a real element known to many chemists and physicists. It has the symbol of Yb and the atomic number of 70. I am willing to be taught.
