This Mago Bill blog has a lot to offer for those willing to search it.
You can learn a lot just by scrolling down its posts. After viewing a number of post you will find near the bottom of the pages words such as "older posts." Click on those words and you can find posts new to you. You may be able to complete that process many times.
There is a simple search function at the top of the blog which you can use by briefly typing in your interest and clicking. The function is named by the word "search." type in your interest and click.
A way of searching here which I find handy and interesting is the label column at the right of the blog. Labels in that column contain one word or short phrases topics actually available a a click. Next to some of those Labels you will find a number. That number tells the number of post in which that topic may be found! Click on topics which interest you and be taken directly there. After you have reviewed the offered topic you may find the words "older topics." Click on those words and you may find different posts on your topic.
Also, I imagine that you have found the section that says ""Popular Posts" and offers examples of posts others have found interesting and valuable. Click there and be taken to the complete post.
Another feature which you may find interesting can be found at the top of the left hand column. There you will find the word "Translations." Click on it and you will be presented with a list of languages. You are very like to find one in which you are proficient there. Click on it and the post you are one will be presented in your chosen language. Perhaps not a perfect translation, but often a very helpful one.
Please record your corrections, questions, additional information, or comments in the "comment'' section below.
I wish you useful satisfaction and pleasure on this blog.