Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Thoughts on Meditation

 An Introduction to Meditation: benefits, practice, meaning, and learning

I am having some renewed thoughts on meditation. I practiced meditation for some time in the past and found it useful and interesting. 

I am starting to remember some benefits of the practice. One benefit was like the result of a good nights sleep or a nice little vacation. I may be misleading to put it like that. I often felt refreshed after a practice. Another benefit was that after meditating my mind felt more organized and calmer. My thoughts seemed more usefully filed, organized, and prioritized. I remember that my mind was better structured and organized when I had meditated regularly.

I suspect that meditation can be an effective and lasting way of structuring one's mind. There are a variety of benefits. One becomes more able to effectively focus on that which one has decided to focus. One becomes more alert, aware, and conscious of  one's self and of what is going on around one. Structuring is an ongoing process and so is meditation.

I thought of my practice as a regular ongoing doing. It seems it was much about self and awareness. It was a lot about paying attention.

Much can be learned about meditation online. You can learn a lot about it  on Esoteric to Exoteric. I expect I will continue to post about it.

Your dictionary may correctly inform you that to meditate is to ponder, to plan, and intend in mind. You may be correctly told that much contemplation and prayer is very like meditation. And also told that meditation may refer to a devotional exercise of contemplation. Being told all this one may still wonder why one would want to meditate and also how one could do it effectively.
For me meditation is an exercise and a practice much like working- out regularly at the gym. However, one doesn't need a gym or much of anything to meditate. I once heard that a man did satisfying meditation as he plowed his fields. No you don't need a plow to meditate. I have preferred a siren and quiet atmosphere where the chances of interruption were small, but have meditated on a bus. The idea is that one needs very little to meditate, but may have many preferences.

There are many reasons to meditate and many good reasons to to change ones ways and means of meditation. One reason I had was gaining self-knowledge. another was to broaden my awareness. For some it could be part of a process of purification or much about experimentation. I have been told that the major purpose or goal is, or ought to be the conscious integration of mind, body, and intellect.

I hope you are begging to get a better feel for what meditation can be. I also hope to post more about the "why" and "way" of meditation.
For right now here is some more about the "what" of meditation. Consciousness is important to the practice of meditation. Conscious means to have in mind, to be aware. So, if you add focus, you pretty much have the heart of meditation. The practice of focusing attention one  happening, thought, area, field, doing or something is meditation.

So, meditation is about maintaining the focus of attention on that which you choose, about being mindful only of that which you have chosen. Its the practice of keeping conscious attention on that which you choose to focus, say I.

It can be a sort of game of getting back to your chosen object of focus as soon as you can when you wander from it.

Some have called their practice sitting. For some of them the object may be to sit. They may choose to sit for half a hour. Once they have sat for that time, they may feel that they have completed a good practice. They may very well be right.

Please feel free to comment on meditation or the content of this post in the "comments" window below. Use your name, a name you chose, or you may be anonymous.

Its meditation.


A Leading Republican

Mago Bill: A little fun with Napoleon, a leading republican of his day

                 Napoleon Bonaparte, a leading republican of his day, was willing to become Emperor of France. France welcomed him as Emperor. There may be a lesson to be learned from this bit of history.
                Napoleon did bring reforms to Europe and beyond in the fields of science, education, and a variety of cultural areas. These works could be called republican.
                The legal system called the Napoleonic Code, influenced much of Europe and a significant part of the rest of the World. Napoleonic law is an important part of the law of the U.S. state of Louisiana. 
Napoleon was a warrior, a leader of armies. Some have said that he won a war against  Russian. To attack Russia, he left home with about a half million men. He returned home with about 20,000 men and "the shirt on his back."
                He met his "Waterloo" in a battle against Prussia and Britain. In that battle Prussia "saved Britain's bacon.
                After Waterloo, Britain, Spain, Prussia, Austria, Russia, and others joined one another in suppressing liberal movements throughout Europe. 
This is a TEST:
~ Why do the histories of so many revolutions seem revolting?
~ Where is your revolution headed?
~ Why might a republican be willing to become an emperor?
~ What is a "loo?"
~ Why ought the citizens of a republic be responsible?