Colombians Are New-World Americans
They live on and in the best part of of the far north of South America. They are largely of Spanish heritage and they speak Spanish.
When you intend to visit Colombia, it may contribute to your pleasure to be prepared to deal with Colombians in their own language. You can have have an oral translation app on your iPhone, or a bilingual friend with you. You might take some Spanish language lessons where you live or sign up for some here in Colombia. All the biggest cities and the more important tourist cities have language schools available when there is no pandemic. It's also possible to arrange to have your visit guided by one who speaks your language.
If you are making realistic plans for a visit, investigate getting a correct chip for your mobile phone. It may be that phones of your country won't work here without a change of chips. There are smartphones available here, but you could find them an unneeded expense.
However, with some care, you can buy an ordinary cell phone here and have it nicely set up for use at a reasonable price.
In many parts of the major cities and tourist areas one finds pleasing places to eat and sleep. It is good to take special care of your eating at first without being overly fearful of trying local specialties. When eating at a bit less than average restaurant, it may be best to stick with dishes hot off the stove.
Ah, yes. In those same parts of tourist areas and major cities you have a fair chance meeting travelers or Colombians with whom you may speak your own language.
Enough about you.
This is meant to be a series of tiny essays about Colombia and Colombia. But first, a few words about me.
I am an old American citizen who has lived in Colombia among Colombians for some time. Some have said to me, "Why haven't you written about Colombia?" and "Why don't you write about Colombia?" and other such questions. Instead of considering answers, I thought, "Why not?" I thought to myself, "I can note some observations of mine and maybe even say something about what I have made of them."
More About Colombia and Colombians: Come for a visit. The flight from the south of Florida is cheap.
I've been in Colombia for some time and know something about Colombians and their beautiful country. I began to get acquainted with Colombia in the early 1960s, so I ought to now more about Colombia than I do. But, I left. But, I've been back for about eight years. I still have a lot to learn and find that I am beginning to forget.
OK; you may know more about Colombia than I do. Please correct the errors you encounter here, even errors of omission. Also tell me when I have been right on, even if was just a good flight of fancy, or not so fancy. There is a "comments" widow below which is there for you to use.
There is a lot to learn about Colombia. It may approach infinite. Online you can check out flights to this land of high mountains, nice beaches, plains, desert, some jungle, and surprises. Check out prices here for a a pleasant little surprise. Then pack a small bag and come on down.
Colombians are New World Americans who live in the best part of the far north of South America. They are largely of Spanish heritage and speak Spanish. When you do intend to visit, it may improve the quality of your visit to be prepared to deal with Colombians in their own language. Have an oral translation app on your smart phone or have a bilingual friend with you. You might take a Spanish class where you live or better yet begin some classes right here. Its easy to extend your visa and take some more classes. There are plenty of language schools available.
In your realistic plans for a visit investigate getting a correct chip for your mobile phone. It is likely that your phone won't work here without a change of chips. There are smart phones available here, but you may find them expensive. However, you can, with some care, buy an ordinary mobile phone and have it nicely set up for you to use here at a reasonable price.
In major cities and tourist centers you can find places in which you will be pleased to eat or sleep. In hostels and some hotels you will find Colombians who speak your language or English. You can also find fellow travelers with whom you can speak and share info. Enough about you.
Colombia like Ireland and many other countries around the world have had their troubles, some of it violent. Much of Colombian troubles have been with Colombians. If you care to understand more about such troubles, study the first 20, 30, or 40 years of U.S. just after our Civil War, not very civil. Why did some Americans come to see some of the people of the South as a sort of underclass. Why did some 50 years after that "Civil" war did some think that damn Yankee was one word.
There are a significant number of Colombians who have bee interested in " a Dialogue for Peace." And, a significant number of them have been disappointed in the process. Still they have considered dialogue and they still have an understanding that some kind of communication may help maintain a better social balance.
Colombians like America and Americans; their respect for them has become more realistic. Many Colombians have come to really love Disney Land. They go their as much as they can. The great little city of Medellin and its international airport are closer to Florida Disney Land than is Los Angeles, California.
Not all Colombians who go to the U.S. are tourists who go to Disneyland or to visit relatives in Boston. Some go to work. Recently two such were talking on an international call. A: in Colombia had called his friend in USA. After an exchange of "How are you s" and such A: says, "What are you eating?" B: answers "This America food" A: replies, "Man that stuff tastes like shit." B: Answers, "Yeah, but its gringo shit." You may not understand this or you may think it is vulgar nonsense. However, these two workmen did not know that anyone was listening to their conversation; and they understood one another, and irony.
Those of you who will visit here are likely to find that Colombians like you, and find you interesting. You may find them to be more courteous than many of your countrymen. Still it is a different part of the world and and a different world view.
One afternoon I was in a short line waiting to buy a bus ticket. I was getting close to the ticket window and was talking with a couple I had just met who were inviting me to visit them at their home. I was not surprised by that because I had experienced similar invitations. What did surprise me was a group of four suddenly cutting in line in front of us to buy their tickets. I was more than surprised. I was shocked at this happening without a word from the four. The couple noted my reaction and calmly told me that the four were not well brought up and that they were about to miss their bus, which seemed very important to them.
Thank you for reading.