Friday, December 29, 2017

My Paternal Grandfather

Mago Bill: More of, who wants to know, about Mago Bill


                I never met him. He was the first of my paternal grandmother's three husbands. He was born on the 26th day of August of the year 1884 in Des Moines, Iowa. In that same year the Brick and Clay Workers of America was founded on May 18th; the Ringling Brothers gave their first circus performance in Baraboo, Wisconsin; Eleanor Roosevelt was born in October; and Pope Leo the XIII condemned secular Freemasonry.   
                He was named Joseph Carroll Sheehan.
                He married Josephine Sophia Helwick on January 16th 1907 in Chicago, Illinois. My father, Carroll Joseph Sheehan was the eldest of the four children they bore together. In the year of that marriage the English and French nations agreed on Siamese independence; William James' "Pragmatism" was published; Baden-Powell founded the Boy Scout movement; and the first daily comic strip "Mr. Mutt" is run in the San Francisco Chronicle and later became Mutt and Jeff.
                Joseph Carroll was the son of Mago William Sheehan and Mary J. Carroll.  










































































































































Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Saving Capitalism and Democracy with Robert Reich -- In the Living Room ...

Why do you not have a complete understanding of this? Why is there an American citizen who does not? 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Why the Truth Is So Important to Me

Who is this young lady. She might be only as sane as the rest of us. But she may have a better mind than many of us. Good heart too,I bet. I am not in love with her.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Friday, November 3, 2017

Nothing but the Truth about JFK's Assassination - The Truth Revealed

Earl Warren had been a good man. Evidence tempering is bad form. Of course murder is worse. Multiple murder is even worse.
|How well do you know the Dulles brothers.

The Men Who Killed Kennedy: Episode 2. The Forces of Darkness

We need to guard our representatives more closely. We need to organize more carefully. There are more lies around then one imagines. Truth exists.  We do not hate to permit coups to occur in the USA.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Green Party Candidate Jill Stein on Bernie, Hillary & a “Green New Deal”...

Both Democratic and Republican parties are each split. Both parties have appreciably co opted by oligarchs. Time may be ripe for a new presidential party.

Visit Poland - 10 Things That Will SHOCK You About Poland

First  look,


Great! The little people in the U.S.! Heartland history and culture. Tell us your little people stories.

10 Things You Didn't Know About Ukraine

A problem? Check out more of the history. Sounds like someone does not like the Ukraine. The pictures tell another story. Stalin did not Love the Ukraine.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Was Dorothy Kilgallen Murdered Before Revealing Who Killed JFK?

Women may develop interesting attitudes by learning about Dorothy Kilgallen.  Protect your representatives.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Geography Now! Colombia

With an "O"

"Mago" and the Phoenicians


                They had certainly heard of Atlantis, but that fabled land had disappeared thousands of years before the Phoenician posted themselves near the Pillars of Hercules. Those same pillars may once have been called the Pillars of Atlas or even the Gates of Atlas. They certainly guarded  the way to the great Atlantic sea and to the isle beyond the western isle. 

Those Phoenicians were a knowledgeable people who we might now begin to call Carthaginians. The knew much of trade and of navigation. They also knew of mining, metallurgy, language writing, warfare on land and sea. They knew that the islands not far beyond the Pillars not only contained gold, silver, and tin, but also contained men experience in mining and metalworking. They may even have known of the little people there who aided in the extraction of those precious metals from beneath the earth.

Carthage and the Carthaginians

                The name and title of Mago was very well known among those Carthaginian Phoenicians. I have found the use of the title among them as early as 750 BC. You my find that it was used much earlier. I do find strong evidence  that they were carrying on regular trade with Western Isles 500 and 400 BC.

The Magonids were a political dynasty of Carthage from about 550 to
340 BC. The dynasty began with Mago I, under whom Carthage became preeminent among the Phoenician colonies  in the western Mediterranean.  Under the Magonids the Carthaginian Empire expanded to include Spain, Sardinia, Libya, and erhas Sicily. Diodorus and Herodotus tell us Of the Magonids better than do most Romans.


                There was a Mago II and then a Mago III who led Carthaginians. There also seems to have been a Mago who commanded, or navigated for, the trading fleet which connected the Western Isles to the Mediterranean. You may know, or have guessed, that the isle beyond the western isle is now called Ireland. 

                It might have been Mago, that knowledgeable shipmaster, who impressed an early Sheehan and led him, or her, to adopt the name Mago for their son.  My Irish great grandfather had the name Mago William Sheehan. That is the source of the name Mago Bill for this blog.

                So, Mago Bill has a history.

by Richard sheehan
for Mago Bill

A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 - by Isao Hashimoto

If this is not your responsibility, whose responsibility is it?  Have we decided on suicide?

Noam Chomsky - How Do We Fight Back?

Learn, educate yourself, teach, organize, act. Learn of the successful actions of earlier movements. Consider your passions.

KKK In The Far West

The doings of the Klan in the 1920s in the western U.S.

The Ku Klux Klan  became one of the most influential movements in modern American history.

Have you ever considered the doings of Klan chapters in places like Anaheim, Denver, Salt Lake, and El Paso or in Eugene, Oregon?

See if you can find the book  Invisible Empire of the West by Shawn Lay.

Have you ever considered why a Southerner of the post Civil War South might have considered The Reconstruction a redestruction?

Have you ever asked for the meaning of "Ku Klux" in Ku Klux Klan?
Me neither Well perhaps just a little, just now.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Reich: How Unequal Can America Get?

Snap. Good luck, Political action may be your safest and most productive option.

Friday, October 6, 2017

They cut rocks like butter. Inca 'Quarry' is mindblowing!

What was going on in the stone ages? What IS going on?  Let's ask the questions. Stone age peoples seem to have technologies more elegant than ours.

Are those huge Megalithic Inca stones 'rendered/stuccoed'? (Includes a S...

What was going on in the stone age?? It is time to ask sme questions and to consider answers.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Nick Hanauer answers audience questions - BBC HARDtalk

Change in the USA

Nick Hanauer Interview with Cenk Uygur On The Young Turks

Lets get political enough to do our part in taking care of our country and nation.

Another Early Mago

Yes, this is related to my Irish great grandfather Mago William Sheehan.

Another early Mago was Mago Barca of the late third century BCE. He was Hannibal's brother and a Carthaginian general. He was also the youngest son of Hamilcar Barca of the Barcids. 

The Balearic Islands seem to have an Irish connection of some sort. On Menorca Mago Barca lent his name to the city still called Port Mahon. Does not Mahon seem to have a bit of an Irish ring? The typical Mahon egg sauce that has conquered the word is known as mayonnaise! Isn't there a mayo something  something or other on "the old sod?"

I believe that there is a book about this Mago that you may enjoy reading it's by David Anthony Durham,   Pride of Carthage

by Richard Sheehan
for Mago Bill

Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency and Form

Take what seems good and leave the rest. There is some good info here.

Sonic Geometry 2 : Communicating with the Universe in 432hz

We have a lot to learn. We also benefit by remembering not to believe all we read. Might be good to believe some of it.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Wireless wake-up call | Jeromy Johnson | TEDxBerkeley

Wireless health effects.
We have a lot to learn. Do we need to find a safer place to live?  We are effected. What are the effects? Are the effects truly dangerous?

How to turn protest into powerful change - Eric Liu

We can make protest a wider learning experience. The alternatives are nearly infinite. It takes talk and decision to make the important moves beyond protest. Build  a series of early wins.

Charlie Rose Part 3: Eric Liu and Nick Hanauer about their new book.

Not a bad starting question.

Who truly are the job creators. Have not our economists been interested in demand. Thank you Mr. Rose.  I feel our cosmos more truly.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Monday, September 11, 2017

Citizen University: Eric Liu

We can start by deciding that it is a good idea to live up to our stated creed. Let's learn how to get things done.
We can learn to be more powerful citizens

Eric Liu, "You're More Powerful Than You Think"

Organize. learn. organize,

teach and organize. Listen. learn, and organize. Invite another to join you. Learn how to be an effective citizen. Expand the arena. Change the story. Join with others. Good for you for thinking and learning.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Lost Kingdoms of South America (2013) Ep3 Lands of Gold

There is lots to learn about Colombia. Pre-Colombian cotton. Widely owned gold.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Noam Chomsky on Democracy

More public participation. More choice. I can participate. What is our present method of effective participation in governance?

Thursday, August 31, 2017

The New Robber Barons

The power of financial interests. Can it overcome the power of the people. Looks like it has. What is meant by, A Gilded Age?
What was meant by A Gilded Age?

Bill Moyers Essay: Joblessness Is Killing Us. The Pope Says So.

Work and income need not be tied together, Of work and money work may be the more importat

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

New: CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government

Wealth. honor, reality, us, governance. Who are we? Who do we want to be? Who can we be? Did we not have a Constitution that was the center of  the United STATES of America.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Mysterious Origins of Bagpipes

Once an army is on its feet they will march in hell. There may be an Irish whistle that will get them on their feet.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

More On Dialogue

                In our dialogue practice there is no agenda in the ordinary sense. Our purpose, in large part, is the practice. The practice is the honest and just sharing of meaning and development of coherence.  We practice certain methods and skills for thinking together.

                Our present purpose is to practice skills and learn rules of effective dialogue. We hope that others will come to see how this mere practice builds and supports our culture even as we listen and speak.

                This Dialogue For Peace, this Magic Table Dialogue, this dialogue is mostly leaderless. We can practice it and share its benefits without leaders.

                To begin your dialogue you will need to talk with others about the dialogue. You will begin, probably, by talking it over, discussing why you are doing it, what it means, and how you want to do it. 

                More to come.

                                                                                    by Richard Sheehan

Klaus Dona: Mysterious Artifacts from Secret Collections & Giant Skeleto...

Do you remember The New Indian Movement? I remember Vine Deloria as a fine thinker of that important movement.

Our Dialogue

Participate in a dialogue group

                Our dialogue talk is designed to create areas of coherence in the vastness of misunderstanding. Often a major benefit of our dialogue practice is our experiencing the power of collectively shared meaning. Most ordinary talk in our society may be called incoherent. To learn our dialogue talk takes ongoing practice. This practice we have named The Dialogue, Dialogue for Peace, Magic Table Dialogue. The dialogue has which call for practice to develop proficiency. The rules need not be rigid, but hey do point the importance of correct practice.


                The dialogue is aimed at learning to think together coherently. Thinking together coherently calls for sustained dialogue. The earliest dialogue may be called a listening practice, but also calls for use of your voice and mind as well as your ears. Thinking together is both satisfying and a great power. We believe that it is worth the effort to practice. 

                This thinking together is a growth and learning process. It occurs consciously and also on a preconscious level. It may occur within us as in our talk to ourselves, or even on an unspoken level. Such talk and thinking may be expected to take on renewed honesty.

                There were times and places when and where this kind of talk was common, but in these days it is uncommon At this time the dialogue of which we speak is rare. It seems to me that it is urgent that more of us practice this sort of dialogue. It is urgent that more of us practice a more effectively honest and coherent communication. By 'we' I mean humanity in general as well as well as those willing to practice the dialogue now.      

Group benefits:                    

                A dialogue practice group benefits when its members strive for diversity and inclusiveness.

                For our own well-being  and perhaps our survival we need to better share our consciousness and become better able to think together. Being able to think together enables us to do intelligently and effectively that which we deem necessary.

            Seems time to close for now. Later we might consider how dialogue supports and strengthens our culture. Another topic might be the set of a dialogue group.

                                                                                    by Richard Sheehan

Monday, August 21, 2017

Mae West: And The Men Who Knew Her

What would your great grandma say. She got them through the Depression. Helped me some too. West was her real name.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Sociocultural Systems

Not too complicated.

It is worth while to contemplate culture.

What Ancient Human Civilizations Said About The Moon - 2017 The Moon is ...

What do w know about the moon? What do we believe about it? What are people saying about it now? What are people finding their. Who are we?
What about our money? What about our,wealth, our resources, our will?

The Dialogue Game

It's a Practice which Increases your Skill and Understanding:           


                Our dialogue talk is designed to create areas of coherence in the vastness of misunderstanding. Often a major benefit of our dialogue is to give us a better chance to experience the power of collectively shared meaning which we have created. Most ordinary talk in our society may be called incoherent. To learn to do our dialogue talk, takes ongoing practice. This practice we have called Dialogue for Peace, Magic Table Dialogue, and just The Dialogue. The Dialogue has rules which call for practice. The rules need not be rigid, but they do call for practice which is important. 

                The Dialogue is aimed at learning to think together coherently. Thinking together coherently calls for sustained practice. An early practice may be called a listening practice, but calls for some use of your voice as well as of your ears and mind. Thinking together is both satisfying and a great power.  We believe that it is well worth the effort.

                This thinking together is a learning and growth process. It occurs on various levels of consciousness. It occurs in one, in mental talk to one's self, or even on unspoken levels. We could just say that a lot of learning goes on in dialogue practice.

                Make comments below. I respect suggestions and am grateful for them.
Your suggestions about how the dialogue might be done online can benefit us.You may place whatever you have to say in the "Comment" area below anonymously, with a pen name, ot just your regular name.

                   Search this blog with one of the several avenues of search available here.    

                Dialogue practice is much like a parlor game. When you hold the talking stick, everyone listens. Your talking time is limited and if you wish you make it very short. You can say, "The word is ______." and "I pass." 

                Thank you for reading.



Monday, August 7, 2017

TEDxRainier - Eric Liu - Seattle's Civic Secret Sauce

Civics. Civics for fun and profit. Society and behavior.

David Simon on America as a Horror Show

We lost because we would not teach our children. Not about our history, our politics, our philosophy, our government, our economics!

The Collapse of The American Dream Explained in Animation

Why do we as a nation borrow money? Why do we not earn it?

What the 1% Don't Want You to Know

Better late than never, but it is very late. It was late in 1964.Many of your great grandparents knew what was happening.Even my old aunts knew about the political and social and cultural dumbing of Americans.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Culture is More Important than Politics

We can make culture. Magic Table Dialogue can provide first lessons in making culture. Politics may be a pleasant duty. Civics.

Eric Liu: Why ordinary people need to understand power

democracy, Mago Bill, culture, Magic Table Dialogue, Civics, power. All for ordinary people. Awareness and Understanding.
Willful ignorance. It is OK to wake up.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Hugh Newman: Origins of the Megalithic Giants FULL LECTURE

Guess we have more reason to believe in dragons and giants than in the national news.

Giant in the Shadows: The Life of Robert T. Lincoln

Easy to take history of Lincoln's son. Lot's of interesting details.  There are a number of other videos available here. Some are particularly interesting. Check them out.

Practice Is A Way To Better Writing

A way to practice is to start writing and to keep writing.
Write without stopping to worry, correct, or edit. Write for more than ten minutes without stopping. You will write some phrases you will really love. You will find it hard to throw them away.

                Be ready to to throw them away because  they probably won't fit the writing you end up with. If you don't come up with a whole new focus or angle, you will probably come up with a whole new subject.

                Before you do throw away what have written do this: Read it and pick out your three or four best sentences. Then rewrite them. As you do so make, consider improvements you might make in them. Rewrite them and save them for a while.

by Richard Sheehan
for Mago Bill

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs - Presented by Peter Gandy

DNA & the Origins of Peoples: The Armenians

ArmeniansWe are learning to use our new knowledge of genetics to support our understanding of even deep history.

Questions about DNA on 5/27/2018

My questions seem to be elementary ones about how DNA may relate to genealogy, family trees, and history.  They seem to relate much to the language of DNA; lots vocabulary to learn. I will probably make this my last list of DNA questions. Such questions to seem to multiply very rapidly. Still these questions in future studies should I decide to persue such studies. 

OK here is my list of questions:
~ What might DNA have to do with a healthy life? Oh no! this opens a new area of study. There is a lot to learn.
~ What does the D in DNA stand for?
~ What about the N and the A?
~ Why is DNA easily contaminated?
~ What are halogroups?
~ Why are "haploggroups" one word?
~ Do they have anything to do with Hopalong Cassidy?
~ Is it a fact that nuclear DNA may be obtined from both male and female progenitors?
~ What is nuclear DNA? Is it explosive?

I am getting tired of writing questions.  I will put other questions of this same list in other DNA post. 

Monday, July 24, 2017

The Real Merlin and the Discovery of Avalon in the New World with Graham...

Ireland, Irish, Merlin, Revise your history. Celtic people in Main in about 500 AD. A ruler became Merlin the bird. The name of Arthur the bear was Owin. The dead Princess Diana was related to the Stewarts and so fairly closely related to Arthur and not just bearly.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Daniel Sheehan: UFOs and the Cosmic Perspective - Dec 15, 2014

How much new knowledge can we beneficially handle? How may we better handle new information?

Megalithic Softening of Stone Part 1

How did they do it? Who are they? How well did they know each other.  Do we carry their DNA? What do we know? What good guesses may we make? We have a lot to learn about who we are and where we come from. How and what shall we teach our children?

Megalithic Anomalies

What can we learn about who we are? We have ancesters.

Megalithic Softening of Stone Part 2

You live in an amazing world. Me too. We are now looking at high technology of 10 and 12 thousand years ago. We have a lot to learn.

Daniel Sheehan: People have to be INSPIRED to STAND UP

You can stand up. I can stand up. We can stand up. They are willing to stand up again. What is the source of our inspiration to stand up for our rights and our planet?

The Equator 12,500 Years Ago?

Pre Ice Age, pre Flood, cultures. What may we now summarize about pre Ice Age Culture.

The Tuatha De Danann - are they gods or not?

Are you interested in the exploration of  pre Christian Europe and the Near East? The world in general? They were an important people, but not gods.

The Great Walls Of California

Who can tell us more about these walls? Who has investegated these walls?

Without a Teacher

Learning to write without a teacher may be effectively done and enjoyed.

                It has been done in groups of from 5 to 17 participants. Basically, the members each commit to reading the writing of a member then to coming together with the other members to share their feelings about what they have read. 

Hearing what others have felt as they read your works has proven a great help to improving one's writing and a powerful experience in itself.

Any Questions?  I'll clarify one doing without being asked.
Every member reads one specified piece of  writing of one member of the group. Then in a gathering of all the members each member tells about how she felt as she read the piece.
This telling of feels is done at nearly every meeting of the group.

The bit below is about what I have learned from my experience and from Mr. Elbow. It is something that I might offer at an appropriate moment in the gathering of my group.

                On the horizon, a Final Draft 

                Once you have some writing from which it seems you can coax some coherence, you may be close to the point at which to edit and turn out a final copy.

            Take 15 minutes to make your meaning clear to yourself.

                You might let yourself consider an outline or plan.

                Sum up what you have into a genuine single assertion of what your meaning is. Not easy, but possible. Remember that your assertion must actually assert something that can be quarreled with.

                You have grown your meaning and specified it to yourself clearly. Good for you. Your efforts and good thinking will give you a good chance to do some truly powerful writing.

                                                                            by Richard Sheehan
                                                                            or Mago Bill

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


Just below "Popular Posts" in the column to the right is an ap entitled "Translate." Try it and then leave a comment"  in your language which helps another to use and benefit from this translation facility. You may leave your comment just below.

Celtic Mythology - An Introduction to the Tuatha Dé Danann

Nice presentation and sounds right to me.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Nine Nations: 8/1/2017 and 8/21/2017

Some years ago Dennis McGuire gave me a book written by Joel Garreau. In that book Garreau divided much of North America into what he called 
nine nations. As I remember the book was called Nine Nations. He did a good job of describing much of the continent. I believe the could be called a sociological work.

I am going to try to remember enough of my reading of the book those years ago to write a sort of monograph of each of the " nations" he considered much as he considered it.

Below is a list of the "Nations" as Mr. Garreau named them:
~ Quebec
~ New England
~ The foundry
~ Dixie
~ The Islands
~ The Empty Quarter
~ Ecotopia
~ Breadbasket
~ Mexamerica

I lived in "Mexamerica' when I read the book. and failed to take notes on it as I failed with some of the other Nations. I can say the Republic of Mexico is in it. Spanish of the Mexican sort is spoken widely in much of Mexamerica; a good deal of English is spoken there. There is mixing of the two languages especially along the border.
There is plenty of cultural prejudice there. As I remember Joel suggests that "might makes right in this valley of  tears."

I add that this Nation of Mexamerica may less of a Nation than most of the other "Nations."  For example, The state of Oaxaca and DF  seem much less part of the  Nation than does the state of New Mexico.

post by Richard for Mago Bill


The Empty Quarter of the Nine Nations

The Empty Quarter is on of Garreau's Nine Nations. I spent a significant part of my life in the thee. It is big and relatively lightly populated. A large part of it can be called desert.  It extends from the northern deserts of Mexico across the U.S and Canada into the Arctic Circle.

The E.Q. contains gas, oil, cattle, mining, timber, and wheat and the people who work in those industries. Some people are attracted by the quiet and the "elbow room" to be found there.

The Athabascan tar sands of Alberta are in the Empty Quarter. There in Nevada is the Home Farm headquarters of The School of the Natural Order.

North American Indian Peoples live in the Empty Quarter of the Nine Nations. Some of them try to live much as they did long ago. But it is not easy. For example, Acoma, Coleville, Navajo, Ute, Wind River and a fe others have significant control of perhaps 50% of the Uranium found here. Native Americans with oil and gas consult with OPEC. Blackfoot, Sioux, Crow, Spokane, and Northern Cheyenne control a third of the low-sulfur stripable coal here.

The land is beautiful and scars easily. It looks to many of us that much of this beautiful land is being needlessly sacrificed to the need and greed of people we do not know. Fracking and the disposal of water of certain industries seems to be a shameful rape to some here. Water has be scarce here and is now being poisoned. Some have told us to pipe water from the Arctic. Might be a good short term solution.  The fresh water of the Arctic was stored in ice. That ices is rapidly melting and flowing into a rising sea.

Triggers for great bombs are made in the part of this "empty zone" closest to the great city of Denver. Testing of hydrogen bombs here still poisons citizens of Utah and disturbs the genetics of deer of North East California.

The south west portion of the US is found in the Empty Quarter. It is there where many of the Western Cowboy films of Hollywood were made. . 

posted by Richard
for Mago Bill

Friday, June 23, 2017

Writing Skill

Writing  Skills


We are born with talents.
Skills are developed and maintained with practice.
Writing is a skill.  

As an aid to improving your writing skills you can keep a free-writing diary as a practice tool. You may also find that it is a great source of writing ideas.

Keep your free-writing in a private diary, journal, or notebook. No one but you need ever read a word you put there. In that private place you can write whatever you want in any way you want to.

You are likely to be very uninterested that I have gotten much inspiration
for this post and others like it From Peter Elbow's book WRITING WITHOUT TEACHERS. 

"Free-writing" is writing without judgement or criticism. Do no editing, corrections,or rewrites. All there is to it is to do it.

Do not throw away what you have free written. You can use it to discover subjects you can enjoy writing more about.


In your notebook, journal, diary, write. Produce a finished piece of writing. Keep a topic in mind. Digressions are okay, but when you find yourself digressing in this practice bring yourself gently back to the topic.
Digression are to be honored and respected. After all they do come from your beautiful mind. 
The idea in this practice is to keep writing. Do not stop writing. Do not stop for anything but the most serious and urgent reason. 
You may say to yourself "Let's remember the topic," but do not let a little digression of yours bother you.  Do very gently practice the discipline of keeping the topic in mind as you honor and value your digressions. 
It does seem that we writers are very much about digressions. They may lead us to our best writing. Still we do not want them to keep us from finishing a piece of work. 

As an aid toward helping myself to finish a piece of work I have told myself to write down everything I can think about the topic at the moment. 

Keep Writing.

Later you can look for your digressions in you work above.  Do another writing exercise based on your digressions. Let your digressions enrich your writing. Your  digressions may give you topics that motivate the real you.

Monday, June 19, 2017


While you are on Mago Bill and have time go to "Home" page and check-out "Labels."  You might find that the last label is "Your Awareness" and also see that it has (1) next to it. By starting with the first label you will, perhaps, see the label "history" with the number (19) next to it. That number, 19, means that you will probably find nineteen posts about history here on Mago Bill. The second post might be "politics" with the number 18 next to it. Than means that politics is a frequent topic on Mago Bill.

post by Richard for Mago Bill 

Friday, June 16, 2017


History With RCS: Now and then


Isis is an asset and a source of divine power from the Old Kingdom of Egypt. She is the first daughter of Geb* and Nut.
She married her brother Osiris who I know here in Colombia. The Moors knew Isis before they knew Spain. Ave Maria!


*Geb was first seen as a man, a man who cared for earth. His daughter and son later became highly venerated in ancient Egypt.

What has Isis become for us?


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Mago Bill: a little backstory

Mago Bill animates my connection to history, and more.
He connects me to the US and to the history of Ireland, and from there to history far and wide. "He" helps me to get far back into ancient history and prehistory. And, it seems that, there is a very far back.
* He seems to help me to explore time and space.
* He helps me to see aspects of the ageless wisdom teaching anew.
* He helps me to fresh views of governance, politics, and philosophy.

I need all the help I can get.

A Mago Bill may well have been my paternal great grandfather.

Mago is a very old Irish name, probably picked up from the Phoenicians or the Carthaginians. In the US the name seems to have given Mago some trouble. For there he began to sign his name M. William Sheehan.

                    Here it does not seem unreasonable to add a bit about the connection I feel between Mago and Sheehan. As a US citizen my paternal great grandfather was M. William Sheehan. As I have indicated earlier the "M" stood for Mago. Mago is not an easy name to carry in the U.S. William is a more well known in the US and many Williams are call Bill or Will. As I continue to explore her on thus blogsite, I find it historically significant. The name Mago Bill may be used only by me. I use it because it causes me to smile and site up straight. There are several post at this site that mention Mago, Mago Bill, or both. By looking you are likely to find something of interest to you.



RCS is the way I will note that a post an essay or the like is written by
Richard Carroll Sheehan

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Will Rogers Said.........

Will Rogers is an interesting guy from our recent history.

He is often funny and smart. Check him out online; Wikipedia is a good place to start.

Below are a few things he has said that I have enjoyed. Bet you can find a quote here that you enjoy: 

~ "Ten men in the country could buy the world and 10 million can't buy enough to eat."
~ There is one thing in common with all revolutions, nobody knows what they are fighting about. 

~ "This would be a great time in the world for some man to come along that knew something."

~ We don't have to worry about anything . No nation in the world was ever sitting so pretty. If we want anything, all we have to do is buy it on credit."

~ Villains are getting as thick as college degrees. and sometimes one the same fellow."

~ When the judgement day comes, civilization will have an alibi, 'I never took a human life, I only sold the fellow the gun to take it with."

~ "We shouldn't elect a president, we should elect a magician."

~  "...the most unemployed or the hungriest man in America has contributed in some way to the wealth of every millionaire in America. It was the big boys themselves who thought that this financial drunk we are going through was going to last forever. They over-merged and over capitalized and over-everything else. That's the fix we are in now."

~ "Who considers the poor billionaire?"

                Don't blame me for the quotes. Will Rogers said it.
Some people thought that Will was some kind of cowboy others thought he was some kind of Indian. You can learn a lot about the USA by learning about him.

                These Will Rogers quotes come here from RCS Posts. There is more to see and to read at RCS Posts. You can go directly to RCS Posts by clicking on this blue  RCS Posts.

                Thank you for reading!

                                                                                            Richard for Mago Bill