Saturday, August 4, 2018

Or Do It as Yourself

Become a cowboy and save the Earth and save our world. Become a goat girl and do the same, A  shepherd can do it too.  Learn this man's name. Listen to that which he has to say. Read his books. If you won't do that much, you could learn to stop the bigger asteroids and comets knocking our Earth out of orbit.

We need holistic herdsmen and those who have their backs, so to speak.

We do not have all the time in the world.


Saturday, July 21, 2018

The Bush Crime Family - The Mafia, CIA and George Bush

We have a lot to learn.  I hope we learn to govern without doing this. We do need the help a great deal of investigative journalism. These backstories are good for those new to the doings of those in government when we refuse to govern. 

We have heard the word "deregulation."

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Carthage: The Roman Holocaust - Part 1 of 2 (Ancient Rome Documentary) |...

Noam Chomsky - History of US Rule in Latin America

Citizens of a democracy are responsible for the foreign policy of that democracy. For those who believe that the US is still a republic, the citizens of a republic are responsible for their republic's foreign policy. In an Empire the people know little of the details or plans of the foreign police and no power to effect it,

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Noam Chomsky - When Elites Fail, and What We Should Do About It, Oct. 2,...

This is a fair summation of what we had an excellent chance to learn over the last fifty or sixty years, including yesterday. It may take a month to slowly listen to an begin to digest.We have sunk into a  mortal ignorance from which we may not get out of alive. We have so sunk, for we have failed to teach our children for years. We are failing to teach our children today. Teaching begins, and continues in the home. Grand parente and parents need to keep teaching and learning.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

How the Net destroyed democracy | Lawrence Lessig | TEDxBerlinSalon

How have we forgotten how to take our responsibility?

What is your responsibility as a citizen?

What is your responsibility as a man?

As a woman.

I believe that the right kind of dialogue can help.

Face to face dialogue!

Only 3 Countries Left Without a Rothschild Central Bank

Where should I put my money? my wealth, my capital?
Where should  I put my heart, my mind, my soul?

Chris Hedges | Snowden Debate | Oxford Union

It is fair to be honest. It is fair to take a deep look at your values again. It is fair to participate in face to face dialogue.

Sundance Chief- Lakota Star Connection to Pleiades

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The U.S. School That Trains Dictators & Death Squads

Can it be true? Are we still forming a more perfect union?
We have a lot to learn. Our learning may include some unpleasant along with the satisfying realities. I believe that it is time for us to take more responsibility for our government.


Friday, June 22, 2018

Global Empire - The Corbyn Factor Pt 1

How does DIRECT DEMOCRACY work in LIECHTENSTEIN? - VisualPolitik EN

We can be joyously active in our governance. you can find out what your city council people are talking about. You can find what your school board is talking about. What idea of democracy and epublicanism is.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Global Empire - Crisis in Venezuela

Empire Files: Venezuela Economy Minister—Sabotage, Not Socialism, is the...

The Empire Files: The Real House of Saud

The Kingdom seems to contain some of the best friends of some American's. The Kingdom is not the best friend of some of it's own people.
Still we all have the right to our own culture.

by Richard Sheehan
for Mago Bill.

The Empire Files: Understanding Marxism and Socialism with Richard Wolff

We have a lot to learn. Ideas are important. How does the world shape ideas? How do we analyze our existence? Have you seen an internal contradiction?

from YouTube
presented by Richard Sheehan
for  Mago Bill

Niall Ferguson on History’s Hidden Networks

Networks matter. Networks are a small part of history. Consider the differences between hierarchy and network.

from YouTube
presented by Richard Sheehan
for Mago Bill

Monday, May 28, 2018

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Using autosomal DNA to maximum effect (Michelle Leonard)

This has been a very popular post on Mago Bill. Are Scott Irish mostly English?

Questions About DNA:
~ Is a paper trail documentation?
~ How is a relative connectd? Can't relatives connect themselves?
~ What is a phylogenetic tree?
~ Is "phylogenetic" an adjective? What does it have to do with trees?
~ Just what is a geenome?
~ What is geneoogy now?
~ What is a haplotype? Is it a type which a man on the street  would recognize or something esoteric?
~ Why would a knowledgable person  think it important to test three person in a line? How do you get them to line up?
~ What ought they be tested for? Diseases?
~ From where are the persons obtaine?  


���� Patronage clans dominate Colombian elections | Al Jazeera English

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Dr. Jill Stein | Full Talk and Q&A | Oxford Union

Green Party economics are getting better. Green environment includes $ in a working person's pocket. Corporate rule. She speaks here to English people in England.

War for oil.  Adapting to Climate change. Equality and justice. Dissolution of classical parties. Cancelling student debt possible. Know our power.  A really nice platform. Immigration problems from climate changes.

Bad words for wars. Almost as bad for military. Health care. 

Cubans quickly got very healthy.

Americans getting sicker or not improving.

She is not a great speaker, but she knows the problems better than all recent presidents. 
She also has good ideas of how the country can pay cash for its needs.

How to handle the politics wasn't much talked about, she will need our cooperation and backup in an ongoing process.

She describes our governors as predatory.

How shall we give Dr. Jill Stein more real protection and support?

Detroit's Lost Mound(s), Brain Surgery? & The Unthinkable

Indians. 3000 years ago and before. Curious earth works, copper working.
Information lost in the development of the city.

"We" Is An Activity

Mago Bill: A kind of contemplation of 'we' and 'us' as a social value.

            We can agree that "we" is a relationship, can't we? When we agree to relate it may be good to speak of the level at which we wish to relate. At what level might it be good for us to relate? We could speak of the reason for our relationship. How might we go about relating ? Might it be important that we show our concern for our "we?"

            What's in it for you? What's your interest? How is a mutual or reciprocal relationship handled?

            A "we" must consist of people, persons, individuals, right? Have you seen
the start of a "we?" Was there a kind of joining? Doesn't a "we" require some kind of maintenance?

            What do you suspect, believe, or know about the "we" in the "We the people..." document?

            That "we" could refer to us. How do we go about keeping track of our common interests? How do we reciprocate? "We the people" are a social relationship, aren't they?

            Let's say that we are the people in the "We the people" we know about.
What is the nature of our relationship? What is reason for our relationship? What's in it for you?

            "We" implies a unity, a union. We can probably agree that better and worse unions can be detected. How might we form a more perfect union?

            You may have some notions of "we" stirring in your mind now.

            Communication is important. Talk, dialogue, discussion are important. Talk of "us" and "we"  may be so important as to be called vitally important.

            I say that communication of persons is vitally important for the initiation and maintenance of a "we".    

            To have a good nation we have to have a good "we". 

Meditation techniques can be improved.

                                                                                        by Richard
for Mago Bill

Friday, May 11, 2018

FCC Enables Faster Media Consolidation as Pro-Trump Sinclair Group Seize...

The media has us by the brains, They use sound, color, movement, psychology, and human nature. Who cares?, power away from the people.

The Real Secrets Hidden in Antarctica... Revealed

A good place to begin your study of Antarctica. It is a fulsome presentation of  recent history.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Our Lady of Guadalupe Documentary - Amazing Scientific Analysis

Some room for thought here.

Trinidad // Tobago

Island Country 7 Miles From Venezuela

Trinidad is a large island, 846 sq mi. about seven miles from Venezuela, near the mouth of the great Orinoco River. 

The people of Trinidad are from Black Africa, East India, and everywhere else. 

You can learn to bathe in glass there. You can also get a biodegradable coffin of hallucinogenic nutmeg on this interesting island.

The food is varied. The curried goat satisfying.

There  is an 85 foot tall red statue of the Hindu monkey god Hanuman. Its the tallest one outside of India.

The Maine Ridge Forest Reserve is the oldest protected forest in the Western Hemisphere. The 14,000 acres of forest were declared a reserve in 1776 while the island was under British rule.

Pitch Lake a 100 acre, La Brea Tar Pit like place, has been mined to pave roadways around the world. 

There is a beach where you can better your love life, do a sand exfoliation, and listen to Syrian music. 

Tobago is the smaller of the two caribbean islands which make up the nation of Trinidad and  Tobago.

Tobago has great ample sandy beaches.

The capital of Tobago is the village of Scarborough.

Kayak through the mangrove swamps of Tobago. 

If you are getting the idea that Tobago is more touristy of the two islands of this Island nation you are on the correct track.

Port of Spain is the big city of the nation and it is on Trinidad.

In Trinidad and Tobago you may begin to feel you are in the real Caribbean an you would be right. It is not all of the Caribbean, but it is a lot of it.

On the two islands there is magic, it comes down the great Orinoco, 
it comes from India, it comes from Africa, and it has found a home there.

Still, It pays to be a bit careful there. Some say that there too many birds. Many say one can get wet and dirty there.

by Richard
for Mago Bill

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Lost Ship of the Mojave

Top 10 AMAZING Facts About IRELAND

A nation once again, A growing culture with tough roots. There are a lot of great doings to learn about.

selected by Richard
for Mago Bill

Monday, April 30, 2018

Sunday, April 29, 2018

8.14. The Iron Law of Oligarchy

How trees talk to each other | Suzanne Simard

We have a lotto learn about taking care of ourselves.

Our Dialogue As A Productive Way To Practice English (ELPG)

Call it a Magic Table Dialogue Group. Call it a Dialogue For Peace group. Call it an English Language Practice Group.

As an English Language Practice Group it can be easy enough to be practical and productive for a beginning learner; it can be enjoyable enough and culturally enhancing enough for a native speaker of English to keep her coming back; it is a focused practice of listening to, and hearing a variety of individuals speaking English. 

So our "ELPG" helps a beginning learner to hear the sounds of English as he listens to a variety of speakers say a few sentences on a limited topic. He experiences a focused intensive listening practice. He also has opportunities to choose the topic. When he is taking English class elsewhere to he will see his learning exhilarate.

This practice group can be of considerable interest to a native speaker. Such an English speaker can learn fun and empowering cultural enhancing rules of Magic Table Dialogue, she can also learn the Dialogue for Peace skills for dealing with and appreciating the assumptions and opinions perhaps very different from her own. She can also make friends with with individuals of a different language and culture than her own.

The middle ground learner of English can build his own word power by hearing targeted words in context. He also learns hear the English of a variety of speakers rather than just the pronunciation and manner of speaking of the teacher. He will here a number of people speak a given word in their own way. Hearing and listening to this speech for, say, pronunciation and intonation is great language practice. This practice combined with hearing a  single word in a variety of sentences leads the learner into meaning and understanding in context. Practice is the main is the main aim here and listening is the principle practice. He will also get his turn by a very interested group of individual. He will say his few words. He will be listened to closely by the group.

Or dialogue is not a substitute fe other language studies. However, you could learn a valuable practice which serve you for a lifetime.You will eperience meaning in dialogue.

What's in it for you?
* You can improve your listening skills.   
* Yuo can practice hearing what is said.
* You can practice using a language other than your own. 
* You can improve your understanding of language and people.
* You will be listened to.
* You will learn to understand a variety of English speakers.
* You will learn to be understood as you speak English.

by Richard
for Mago Bill

Saturday, April 28, 2018


Travel in Colombia. There is joy for the young at heart. If your get up and go has not gotten up and gone getin the car and go. If you travel with Spanish speaking your pleasures will multiply.   

Search This Blog Using Labels

Search Mago Bill by going to the home page, and finding the heading "Labels" in the column to your right on the page. By looking below that label you can find a long column of words. When a word interest you click on it. Your click will take you to posts where that word is used. For your convenience, I hope, the words have been listed in order of the number of times they have been used. Today by clicking, on  history a large number of post speaking on that topic will be brought before your eyes. There is a lot to explore here. Go ahead and click on something. Try it. Click.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Public Fora

Real free speech: under democratic local control, honest, and even true 

                It seems to me that many geographical communities and perhaps neighborhoods could benefit from a physical forum. A place especially designed in which to freely talk about matters of local public interest. It ought to be a place that small crowds and smaller groups could be addressed and perhaps ranted to about about politics, religion, sex, governance. It could also have space and time for conversation on more important affairs. Space for free tutoring or teaching might find a place and be of benefit in such a place.
            It could be a space in which to learn free speech. Really true free speech, with egalitarian opportunity to participate.

            I would attend if amplification was of modest volume.

                                                                                                by Richard Sheehan

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

More Amazing Ancient United States

Google Earth views of archaeological sites in the United States including mounds and other earthworks. Let's find more information about these sites. Can you tell us more about one of them? One of them has evidence of habitation dating to 7,000 years ago.

Friday, April 13, 2018


Cossacks became known as members of a democratic, self-governing, semi-military community, predominantly located in Southern Russia and south east Ukraine.

Maybe we should learn more about these people!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Patricia's Neighborhood Part 2

Good for the eyes, ears, heart, and alma. Search as far as Iza!

DNA Genesis - The Children Of Adam - National Geographic Documentary Fil...

A great introduction to DNA! 
I do not believe that we can be traced back to an original father.
Perhaps, theoretical, any single man can be traced back to a single man.

It is here I will put the last of my DNA questions:

~ How any tests or kinds of tests are there for DNA?
~ How are genealogies correlated to DNA results.
~ What else can DNA results be correlated to? Can they be correlated to a family tree?
~ How are common ancestoruncovered through DNA testing? What if most of my ancestors are uncommon?
~ What if the ancestors are dead? Is it really necessary to dig them up?
~ How can DNA testing help to provide a "time predictor" for the likely date of the most recent common ancestors of two related individuals?" Why might we want to do that?
~ Are there many DNA tests?
~ What else might it be useful for me to know about DNA?
~ What's endogomy? 

Friday, March 16, 2018

Income and Wealth Inequality: Crash Course Economics #17

We have a lot to learn about wealth. We are finally learning a bit about income. We also have a great deal to understand about equality.

Friday, March 9, 2018

The Men Who Killed Kennedy - Part 9 - The Guilty Men (2003)

What are we doing to keep informed about that which is going on now? We are a nation not a kingdom. Why we do not put our trust into ourselves and not into a him or a her? How would you like your children to get their information? How should our youth be educated to be responsible for their governance and well capable of their responsibility?

Beyond JFK The Question of Conspiracy

We have the to get closer to the truth. Why do wen not use that power? Who benefit from a cover up. Who benefits from the best facts. What are we doing to get the information we need? 

Head of Puerto Rico Electrical Workers’ Union Demands Corruption Probe o...

Some Strange Things Are Happening To Astronauts Returning To Earth

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Very Indo-European Reading List

Sounds like a good TA at the U. Readings in history,myths and archaeology of pre Christian doings and happenings in what is now Europe.A growing area. English dominance seems to waning.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Bernie Sanders & Robert Reich discuss how we defeat Republicans' horrid ...

They are talking about what is being done to us right now. When we refuse to do, we are done. Done to. Not ye finished off. When we refuse to govern ourselves, we are at he mercy of those willing to do so.  Find out what social organization is. We need organization. We are the potential grassroots. If we stay in the seed bag, we do not grow. Money is not a good excuse.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Truth as a Common Good with Robert Reich

We started down in the early 60s and began to crash in the late 70s. Through it all we left it to the hands of God. The old people told me that God helps those who help themselves. A part of helping ourselves is not abrogating our responsibility for governance.  We learn by doing.

Lind Initiative 2017 - Robert Reich on the Rise of the Anti-Establishment

Our politics is our way of sharing our wealth.  Just what is the Lind Initiative?

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Why Can't Third Parties Take Off?

A third party may be best at popularizing new planks and new platforms.
Third party members do gain office. However, their most important function may be to educate voters.


You can find me, Richard Sheehan, on Twitter at

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

A Short Miscellany of History Notes


Hints of that which we can learn related to Napoleon:

The law of the U.S. state of Louisiana is significantly influenced by Napoleonic Law.

Prussians are the ones who saved the peoples of Great Britain from the armies of Napoleon. 

Napoleon made his brother king of Spain and for the next six years, 1808 t0 1814, the Spanish people waged a guerrilla war against the French. At the same time the colonial peoples of Mexico, South America, and Central America fought wars of independence from French Spain.

If Napoleon as his first name, what as his second name? It that question was too easy try this on: How did U.S. commercial policy and actions relate to the Opium Wars?  

The sixty yeas of war from 1776 to 1815 did much to prepare busy little America and most of Europe to prepare for the Industrial revolution. In the U.S. immigration made labor so cheap that employers were free to pay the lowest wage possible. Most immigrants then were ignorant of our freedom to control the distribution of our wealth.

Discontent of workers in Europe led to the revolts of 1884 there. The savagery of the repression of those revolts showed the nature of the the ruling class of the time. This same discontent led to a great deal of immigration to the Americas, much of it to North America.

by Richard Sheehan
for Mago Bill and you 

Right Now: 9 AM 1/10/218

A number of people from each of the following countries are checking out posts on Mago Bill:
United Arab Emirates

Ukraine has the most.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Conversations with History: Glenn Greenwald

We can organize to form our nexus for doing. We can organize to form a sort of useful institution.
We can consider how to effective protect our nexus. We can practice what we want and learn by doing.   Talking over what we are doing until enough of us are on the same page is vital. We will need an exceptional  understanding of our common aims. We will need great sources of learning.  We will need duplicate sources of information.  We will need to do that which we want to be.   I like liberty, justice, honesty, and democracy.